Profile photo Rob Kessels

Rob Kessels

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


I am clinical trial methodology researcher and biostatistician working at the Clinical Trial Methodology and Statistical Consultation group within the Department of Data Science and Biostatistics at the Julius Center. My research is focused on developing and implementing innovative (early-phase) adaptive clinical trials within Oncode Accelerator. I am also involved in the design, methodology, and analysis of (oncology) clinical trials. 

Before joining the UMC Utrecht, I worked as a statistician at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital/Netherlands Cancer Institute focusing on design and analysis of oncology clinical trials and I was involved in the Dutch Oncology Research Platform (DORP), an initiative to support investigator initiated clinical research. 

I hold a PhD degree in Statistics from Utrecht University (2022) and a MSc degree in Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences from Utrecht University (2014). 

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

MRI-guided optimisation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy duration in stage II-III HER2-positive breast cancer (TRAIN-3) Anna van der Voort, Fleur M Louis, Mette S van Ramshorst, Rob Kessels, Ingrid A Mandjes, Inge Kemper, Mariette J Agterof, Wim A van der Steeg, Joan B Heijns, Marlies L van Bekkum, Ester J Siemerink, Philomeen M Kuijer, Astrid Scholten, Jelle Wesseling, Marie-Jeanne T F D Vrancken Peeters, Ritse M Mann, Gabe S Sonke,
LANCET ONCOLOGY, 2024, vol. 25, p.603-613
Phase I feasibility study of Olaparib in combination with loco-regional radiotherapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Arash Navran, Abrahim Al-Mamgani, Hester Elzinga, Rob Kessels, Conchita Vens, Margot Tesselaar, Michiel van den Brekel, Rosemarie de Haan, Baukelien van Triest, Marcel Verheij
Clinical and translational radiation oncology, 2024, vol. 44
The Trial within Cohorts (TwiCs) study design in oncology Rob Kessels, Anne M May, Miriam Koopman, Kit C B Roes
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2023, vol. 23
Self-Reported Cognitive Function and Quality of Life in Patients With SCLC in the Hippocampal Avoidance Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation Versus Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation Randomized Phase 3 Trial (NCT01780675) Elaine A C Albers, Haiyan Zeng, Dirk K M De Ruysscher, Marianne A Kuenen, Rob Kessels, Lizza E L Hendriks, Jose S A Belderbos, Sanne B Schagen
JTO clinical and research reports, 2023, vol. 4
Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Therapy in Advanced Melanoma. Reply Maartje W Rohaan, Rob Kessels, John B A G Haanen
The New England journal of medicine, 2023, vol. 388, p.859-860
High-dose alkylating chemotherapy in BRCA-altered triple-negative breast cancer Sonja Vliek, Florentine S Hilbers, Erik van Werkhoven, Ingrid Mandjes, Rob Kessels, Sieta Kleiterp, Esther H Lips, Lennart Mulder, Mutamba T Kayembe, Claudette E Loo, Nicola S Russell, Marie-Jeanne T F D Vrancken Peeters, Marjo J Holtkamp, Margaret Schot, Joke W Baars, Aafke H Honkoop, Annelie J E Vulink, Alex L T Imholz, Suzan Vrijaldenhoven, Franchette W P J van den Berkmortel, Jetske M Meerum Terwogt, Jolanda G Schrama, Philomeen Kuijer, Judith R Kroep, Annemieke van der Padt-Pruijsten, Jelle Wesseling, Gabe S Sonke, Kenneth G A Gilhuijs, Agnes Jager, Petra Nederlof, Sabine C Linn
npj Breast Cancer, 2023, vol. 9