Profile photo Renske de Kleijn

Renske de Kleijn

Associate Professor


Renske de Kleijn, PhD, works as an assistant professor at the Education Center of University Medical Center Utrecht.

After a research master in Educational Sciences (2007-2009), she worked on her PhD thesis on the topic of Feedback and Student-supervisor relationships in Master’s thesis supervision (2008-2013). After her dissertation defense she continued to work as an educational consultant at the department of Education, Utrecht University, and obtained both a Basic and Senior Qualification in Educational Advice (BKA; SKA). Starting in 2015 she combined her role as a consultant with a function as assistant professor at the same department. Her aim in doing so was to form a bridge between the group of educational consultants and educational researchers. Since 2018 Renske works as an assistant professor at the UMC Utrecht. Her work focusses on conducting and supervising educational research on the topics of feedback and self-regulation in higher education in general and (bio)medical education in particular. She is passionate about doing research for and with those who design and implement education.

Together with Prof. dr. Marieke van der Schaaf she developed the UMCU PhD programme Life Sciences Education Research (LSER), of which she is also the programme coordinator (

Recent publications

Medical Students' General Beliefs and Specific Perceptions about Patient Feedback Before and after Training in a Clinical Context M Charlotte L Eijkelboom, Renske A M de Kleijn, Joost Frenkel, Marieke F van der Schaaf
Perspectives on medical education, 2024, vol. 13, p.288-299
Entry-level career paths in the life sciences Heleen van Ravenswaaij, Sanne ter Meulen-de Jong, Renske A.M. de Kleijn, Gonul Dilaver, Marieke F. van der Schaaf, Harold V.M. van Rijen
International Journal of Science Education, 2023, vol. 46, p.795-814
Supervisors’ untrained postgraduate rubric use for formative and summative purposes Lieselotte Postmes, Rianne Bouwmeester, Renske de Kleijn, Marieke van der Schaaf
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2023, vol. 48, p.41-55
In gesprek met je stagebegeleider: de SEED tool - Supervision Expectations and Evaluation Dialogues Renske de Kleijn, Lieselotte Postmes, Lisa Keijzer, Inez van Miltenburg, Tania Moran Luengo
2023, p.672-674
Een nieuwe kijk op rubrics Lieselotte Postmes, Leen Catrysse, Renske de Kleijn, Marije Lesterhuis, Marieke van der Schaaf
2023, p.439-441
A new view on rubrics Lieselotte Postmes, Renske de Kleijn, Leen Catrysse, Marije Lesterhuis, Marieke van der Schaaf
2023, p.81-81

External positions

Incidentele lezingen/workshops over feedback en begeleiding, overwegend buiten reguliere werktijd. - In lijn met mijn onderzoeks- en disseminatieactiviteiten binnen mijn UMCU functie - Zelfstandig