Rens ter Maat

PHD Candidate - Medical

Strategic program(s):

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Baseline tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte patterns and response to immune checkpoint inhibition in metastatic cutaneous melanoma Isabella A.J. van Duin, Mark Schuiveling, Laurens S. ter Maat, Wouter A.C. van Amsterdam, Franchette van den Berkmortel, Marye Boers-Sonderen, Jan Willem B. de Groot, Geke A.P. Hospers, Ellen Kapiteijn, Mariette Labots, Djura Piersma, Anne M.R. Schrader, Gerard Vreugdenhil, Hans Westgeest, Mitko Veta, Willeke A.M. Blokx, Paul J. van Diest, Karijn P.M. Suijkerbuijk
European Journal of Cancer, 2024, vol. 208
CT radiomics compared to a clinical model for predicting checkpoint inhibitor treatment outcomes in patients with advanced melanoma Laurens S Ter Maat, Isabella A J van Duin, Sjoerd G Elias, Tim Leiner, Joost J C Verhoeff, Eran R A N Arntz, Max F Troenokarso, Willeke A M Blokx, Ivana Isgum, Geraldine A de Wit, Franchette W P J van den Berkmortel, Marye J Boers-Sonderen, Martijn F Boomsma, Fons J M van den Eertwegh, Jan Willem B de Groot, Djura Piersma, Art Vreugdenhil, Hans M Westgeest, Ellen Kapiteijn, Paul J van Diest, Josien P W Pluim, Pim A de Jong, Karijn P M Suijkerbuijk, Mitko Veta
European Journal of Cancer, 2023, vol. 185, p.167-177
Imaging to predict checkpoint inhibitor outcomes in cancer. A systematic review Laurens S Ter Maat, Isabella A J van Duin, Sjoerd G Elias, Paul J van Diest, Josien P W Pluim, Joost J C Verhoeff, Pim A de Jong, Tim Leiner, Mitko Veta, Karijn P M Suijkerbuijk
European Journal of Cancer, 2022, vol. 175, p.60-76