Profile photo Rene Bernards

Rene Bernards

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Rene Bernards has been a staff scientist at the Netherlands Cancer Institute since 1992 and was appointed part time professor of molecular carcinogenesis at Utrecht University in 1994. His scientific accomplishments include the development of MammaPrint, the first clinically-used gene expression profile for breast cancer. To bring this discovery to the clinic he co-founded “Agendia”, a genomics-based diagnostic company that started offering the first microarray-based diagnostic test for the clinical management of breast cancer in 2004. His laboratory also developed the first shRNA vector for gene silencing in mammalian cells and used this vector to create the first genome-scale library of shRNA vectors. His laboratory has used this vector collection to identify biomarkers of response to cancer drugs and to identify particularly powerful drug combinations for the treatment of cancer, based on the concept of synthetic lethality. There are currently several clinical trials that test the efficacy of combination therapies suggested by his genetic screens.

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Paradoxical Activation of Oncogenic Signaling as a Cancer Treatment Strategy Matheus Henrique Dias, Anoek Friskes, Siying Wang, Joao M. Fernandes Neto, Frank van Gemert, Soufiane Mourragui, Chrysa Papagianni, Hendrik J. Kuiken, Sara Mainardi, Daniel Alvarez-Villanueva, Cor Lieftink, Ben Morris, Anna Dekker, Emma van Dijk, Lieke H.S. Wilms, Marcelo S. da Silva, Robin A. Jansen, Antonio Mulero-Sánchez, Elke Malzer, August Vidal, Cristina Santos, Ramón Salazar, Rosangela A.M. Wailemann, Thompson E.P. Torres, Giulia De Conti, Jonne A. Raaijmakers, Petur Snaebjornsson, Shengxian Yuan, Wenxin Qin, John S. Kovach, Hugo A. Armelin, Hein Te Riele, Alexander van Oudenaarden, Haojie Jin, Roderick L. Beijersbergen, Alberto Villanueva, Rene H. Medema, Rene Bernards
Cancer Discovery, 2024, vol. 14, p.1276-1301
A proof-of-concept study of sequential treatment with the HDAC inhibitor vorinostat following BRAF and MEK inhibitors in BRAFV600mutated melanoma Alaa Embaby, Sanne C F A Huijberts, Liqin Wang, Rodrigo Leite de Oliveira, Hilde Rosing, Bastiaan Nuijen, Joyce Sanders, Ingrid Hofland, Charlaine van Steenis, Roelof J C Kluin, Cor Lieftink, Christopher G Smith, Christian U Blank, Johannes V van Thienen, John B A G Haanen, Neeltje Steeghs, Frans L Opdam, Jos H Beijnen, Alwin D R Huitema, Rene Bernards, Jan H M Schellens, Sofie Wilgenhof
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2024, vol. 30, p.3157-3166
Phase 1 study of the pan-HER inhibitor dacomitinib plus the MEK1/2 inhibitor PD-0325901 in patients with KRAS-mutation-positive colorectal, non-small-cell lung and pancreatic cancer Robin M J M van Geel, Emilie M J van Brummelen, Ferry A L M Eskens, Sanne C F A Huijberts, Filip Y F L de Vos, Martijn P J K Lolkema, Lot A Devriese, Frans L Opdam, Serena Marchetti, Neeltje Steeghs, Kim Monkhorst, Bas Thijssen, Hilde Rosing, Alwin D R Huitema, Jos H Beijnen, René Bernards, Jan H M Schellens
British Journal of Cancer, 2020, vol. 122, p.1166-1174
Phase I study of lapatinib plus trametinib in patients with KRAS-mutant colorectal, non-small cell lung, and pancreatic cancer Sanne C F A Huijberts, Robin M J M van Geel, Emilie M J van Brummelen, Frans L Opdam, Serena Marchetti, Neeltje Steeghs, Saskia Pulleman, Bas Thijssen, Hilde Rosing, Kim Monkhorst, Alwin D R Huitema, Jos H Beijnen, René Bernards, Jan H M Schellens
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 2020, vol. 85, p.917-930
POSEIDON trial phase 1B results Richard D. Baird, Annelot G.J. van Rossum, Mafalda Oliveira, Karin Beelen, Meiling Gao, Mariette Schrier, Ingrid A.M. Mandjes, Javier Garcia-Corbacho, Anne Laure Vallier, Greig Dougall, Erik van Werkhoven, Constanza Linossi, Sanjeev Kumar, Harm van Tinteren, Maurizio Callari, Emma Beddowes, Jose Manuel Perez-Garcia, Hilde Rosing, Else Platte, Petra Nederlof, Margaret Schot, Aurelia de Vries Schultink, Rene Bernards, Cristina Saura, William Gallagher, Javier Cortes, Carlos Caldas, Sabine C. Linn
Clinical Cancer Research, 2019, vol. 25, p.6598-6605
A System-wide Approach to Monitor Responses to Synergistic BRAF and EGFR Inhibition in Colorectal Cancer Cells Anna Ressa, Evert Bosdriesz, Joep de Ligt, Sara Mainardi, Gianluca Maddalo, Anirudh Prahallad, Myrthe Jager, Lisanne de la Fonteijne, Martin Fitzpatrick, Stijn Groten, A. F. Maarten Altelaar, Rene Bernards, Edwin Cuppen, Lodewyk Wessels, Albert J. R. Heck
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2018, vol. 17, p.1892-1908