Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Raymond Schiffelers studied Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences at Leiden University (1990-1995). After an industrial traineeship at SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals (UK) he did his PhD in medical microbiology at Erasmus University Rotterdam on liposomal targeting of antimicrobial agents (1996-2001). Subsequently he became post-doc at Utrecht University working on liposomes targeting tumor vasculature. In 2002-2003, at Intradigm Co (USA) he expanded his tumor vasculature-targeting work with polymers for delivery of siRNA. After his return to Utrecht University he became assistant and then associate professor. He co-invented OncoCort® a nanomedicine formulation of corticosteroids that will enter clinical trials in 2015. In 2011, he moved to the Laboratory for Clinical Chemistry & Hematology of the University Medical Center Utrecht to work on nanomedicines, both for diagnosis and therapy. In particularly, he focuses on extracellular vesicles in the circulation as inspiration for new drug delivery systems and diagnostic readouts. He is founding member of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) founding member and member organizing committee for the ISEV2014-annual meeting, Associate Editor of the Journal Extracellular Vesicles and editor of the International Journal of Pharmaceutics and the Journal of Controlled Release. He is Founder of EXCYTEX-an extracellular vesicle-based company and member of the Scientific Advisory Board for a number of start-up companies.
Research aim
We develop synthetic and biological nanomedicine for targeted drug delivery
Go to groupVidi 2007 ‘Targeting inflammation to fight cancer’
Galenus Research Award 2009
ERC Consolidator grant 2010 260627 ‘Microvesicle-inspired drug delivery systems’
ERC Proof of Concept grant 2012 29744 ‘TargetMV’
Binnen Nanocell Therapeutics heb ik de functie van VP Preclinical R&D - supervisie onderzoekers op het gebied van preklinische R&D van nanomedicines - Nanocell Therapeutics
Editor - Blad op mijn vakgebied - Journal of Controlled Release
president ETPN - strategie in europees nanomedicine onderzoek - European Technology Platform Nanomedicine
Scientific Advisory Board - bedrijf ontwikkelt producten op mijn vakgebied - SentryX bv
associate editor - publicatie op mijn vakgebied - Drug Delivery & Translational Research
Scientific Advisory Board - Bedrijf ontwikkelt nanodeeltjes - Anjarium BioSciences
editor - publicatie op mijn vakgebied - International Journal of Pharmaceutics
associate editor - blad op mijn vakgebied - Journal Extracellular Vesicles
Chief Scientific Officer - Wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen signaleren en onderzoeksstrategie bepalen - Excytex bv