Profile photo Josien Pluim

Josien Pluim

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Josien Pluim studied Computer Science at the University of Groningen and graduated in 1996, specializing in Scientific Computing and Imaging. Having done the research for her master's thesis at the Image Sciences Institute, she was bribed into staying as a PhD candidate. Her research project involved multimodality image registration, focusing on mutual information as the registration measure. In June 2001, she received her PhD degree.

She is Professor of Medical Image Analysis at Eindhoven University of Technology, in combination with a part-time position at the Image Sciences Institute. She is or was associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Enigineering, Medical Physics, SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging and Medical Image Analysis. She chaired the Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR) 2006, was programme co-chair of MICCAI 2010 and chair of the Image Processing conference of SPIE Medical Imaging (2006-2009).

Her research focusses on medical image analysis, both methodological and applied research. The main research themes are oncology, image registration and digital pathology.

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Influence of learned landmark correspondences on lung CT registration Ishaan Bhat, Hugo J. Kuijf, Max A. Viergever, Josien P.W. Pluim
Medical Physics, 2024, vol. 51, p.5321-5336
Deep-learning-based joint rigid and deformable contour propagation for magnetic resonance imaging-guided prostate radiotherapy Iris D Kolenbrander, Matteo Maspero, Allard A Hendriksen, Ryan Pollitt, Jochem R N van der Voort van Zyp, Cornelis A T van den Berg, Josien P W Pluim, Maureen A J M van Eijnatten
Medical Physics, 2024, vol. 51, p.2367-2377
Deep learning-based recognition of key anatomical structures during robot-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy R B den Boer, T J M Jaspers, C de Jongh, J P W Pluim, F van der Sommen, T Boers, R van Hillegersberg, M A J M Van Eijnatten, J P Ruurda
Surgical endoscopy, 2023, vol. 37, p.5164-5175
CT radiomics compared to a clinical model for predicting checkpoint inhibitor treatment outcomes in patients with advanced melanoma Laurens S Ter Maat, Isabella A J van Duin, Sjoerd G Elias, Tim Leiner, Joost J C Verhoeff, Eran R A N Arntz, Max F Troenokarso, Willeke A M Blokx, Ivana Isgum, Geraldine A de Wit, Franchette W P J van den Berkmortel, Marye J Boers-Sonderen, Martijn F Boomsma, Fons J M van den Eertwegh, Jan Willem B de Groot, Djura Piersma, Art Vreugdenhil, Hans M Westgeest, Ellen Kapiteijn, Paul J van Diest, Josien P W Pluim, Pim A de Jong, Karijn P M Suijkerbuijk, Mitko Veta
European Journal of Cancer, 2023, vol. 185, p.167-177
Deep learning based correction of RF field induced inhomogeneities for T2w prostate imaging at 7 T Seb D Harrevelt, Ettore F M Meliado, Astrid L H M W van Lier, Daan Reesink, Richard P Meijer, Josien P W Pluim, Alexander J E Raaijmakers
NMR in Biomedicine, 2023, vol. 36
Bandwidth Improvement in Ultrasound Image Reconstruction Using Deep Learning Techniques Navchetan Awasthi, Laslo van Anrooij, Gino Jansen, Hans Martin Schwab, Josien P.W. Pluim, Richard G.P. Lopata
Healthcare (Switzerland), 2023, vol. 11, p.1-19

External positions

Senior Editor, Medical Image Analysis - Editor voor wetenschappelijk tijdschrift - Elsevier

Hoogleraar Medische Beeldanalyse - Hoofd onderzoeksgroep, onderwijs - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven