Profile photo Pieter Doevendans

Pieter Doevendans

Full Professor


Pieter A. Doevendans became a cardiologist in Maastricht (trained by H. Wellens) after his medical training at the Leiden University. In 1993-1994 he had the opportunity to work with Ken Chien at the University of California San Diego, where the work on embryonic stem cells started. The work was completed in Maastricht and provided the basis for a thesis on the function of the promoter of the atrial Myosin Light Chain gene. Upon return in The Netherlands he worked with Christine Mummery and Hans Clevers on both human Embryonic as well as human Cardiac stem cells. In the meantime he remained active as an interventional cardiologist initially in Maastricht, but from 2002 on in Utrecht at the UMC Utrecht. Here he was appointed full professor in Translational Cardiology in 2004 and head of the department in 2005. The focus of the department of cardiology is on Cardiac Failure, Stem Cells and Genetics. He was funded by various national and international foundations. Thus far (2017) he published more than 700 peer reviewed papers and 11 books

Research groups

Inherited heart disease (cardiogenetics)

Research aim

We aim to enhance patient and family lives impacted by inherited cardiomyopathies. Our efforts target gene and variant identification, disease mechanisms, factors influencing disease outcomes, therapy optimization, and exploration of novel therapies.
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Cardiac repair and regeneration

Research aim

Current available therapies for chronic heart diseases only alleviate symptoms and prevent the disease from becoming worse. We aim to improve our understanding and stimulate our natural potential for myocardial repair.
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Molecular science & therapy in heart failure

Research aim

Current available therapies for chronic heart diseases only alleviate symptoms and prevent the disease from becoming worse. We aim to improve our understanding of heart failure and develop new strategies for therapy.
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Recent publications

Generation and characterization of novel induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines derived from three symptomatic carriers of a pathogenic MYH11 variant and two non-carrier relatives Aria Atash, Maarten Jan Cramer, Barend Mees, Pieter A. Doevendans, Joost P.G. Sluijter, Francesca Stillitano
Stem Cell Research, 2025, vol. 82
Altered circadian rhythmicity of the QT interval predicts mortality in a large real-world academic hospital population Rutger R. van de Leur, Bastiaan C. du Pré, Markella I. Printezi, Rutger J. Hassink, Pieter A. Doevendans, René van Es, Linda W. van Laake
Heliyon, 2025, vol. 11
Low Attainment of Treatment Targets for Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Indonesian Adults With Established Coronary Artery Disease Dian Sidik Arsyad, Nurul Qalby, Andriany Qanitha, Idar Mappangara, Wilis Milayanti, Wahiduddin, Ansariadi, Frank L.J. Visseren, Maarten J. Cramer, Pieter A. Doevendans, Steven H.J. Hageman
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2025, vol. 31
A Cardioprotective perfusion protocol limits myocardial functional decline during ex situ heart perfusion Mats T. Vervoorn, Elisa M. Ballan, Sjoerd van Tuijl, Saskia C.A. de Jager, Selma E. Kaffka genaamd Dengler, Joost P.G. Sluijter, Pieter A. Doevendans, Niels P. van der Kaaij
JHLT Open, 2024, vol. 3
Predictors of major adverse cardiac events among patients with chest pain and low HEART score in the emergency department Andrew Fu Wah Ho, Chun En Yau, Jamie Sin Ying Ho, Swee Han Lim, Irwani Ibrahim, Win Sen Kuan, Shirley Beng Suat Ooi, Mark Y. Chan, Ching Hui Sia, Arend Mosterd, Crystel M. Gijsberts, Vince C. de Hoog, Ingrid E.M. Bank, Pieter A. Doevendans, Dominique P.V. de Kleijn
International Journal of Cardiology, 2024, vol. 395
ECG-only explainable deep learning algorithm predicts the risk for malignant ventricular arrhythmia in phospholamban cardiomyopathy Rutger R. van de Leur, Remco de Brouwer, Hidde Bleijendaal, Tom E. Verstraelen, Belend Mahmoud, Ana Perez-Matos, Cathelijne Dickhoff, Bas A. Schoonderwoerd, Tjeerd Germans, Arjan Houweling, Paul A. van der Zwaag, Moniek G.P.J. Cox, J. Peter van Tintelen, Anneline S.J.M. te Riele, Maarten P. van den Berg, Arthur A.M. Wilde, Pieter A. Doevendans, Rudolf A. de Boer, René van Es
Heart Rhythm, 2024, vol. 21, p.1102-1112

Fellowships & Awards



  • Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, 2000
  • Honorary Professor Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital, China, 2007
  • Visiting Professor Harvard University, USA, 2007-2009
  • Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences (Honorary Foreign Fellow), 2009
  • Visiting Professor Rose Weiss Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, USA, 2014


Research grants obtained 

  • NATO Collaborative Research Grant. 1996-1997. Travel grant for collaboration with Robert S. Kass, University of Columbia, New York USA. "Expression of min K channels in heart".
  • The Netherlands Heart Foundation: 1997-1999. "The characterization of the regulatory sequence of the atrial myosin light chain 2 gene".

  • NIH: "The role of the min K gene". Grant with R.S. Kass.

  • The Netherlands Heart Foundation: “Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: early non-invasive identification of altered myocardial mechanics and coronary flow” (nr. 99.203) with A.C. van Rossum, VU Amsterdam.

  • The Netherlands Heart Foundation: “Characterization of the effects of estrogen on cardiac function under pathophysiologic conditions” (nr. 99.114)

  • The Netherlands Heart Foundation: “Elucidation of pathogenic genetic pathways in the hypertrophic and failing heart by micro-array-technology” (nr. 99.122) with H. Smeets, University Maastricht.

  • Jan Dekkerstichting en dr. Ludgardine Bouwmanstichting: “Adenovirale gentherapie voor boezemfibrilleren” (nr. 99-04)

  • The Netherlands Heart Foundation: “Inhibition of myocardial hypertrophy and dilatation by viral mediated blockade of intracellular signaling pathways” (nr. 2000.160)

  • ICIN: Molecular genetic basis of cardiovascular disease (2000)

  • ICIN: Human genetics and cardiovascular developement (2000)

  • NHS: Dekker program: Vanessa van Empel (2001-2004)

  • STW: Stem cell based cardiomyocyte differentiation and classification in 3 D cultures (2003)

  • BSIK: Weefsel op maat (2003)

  • Bekales Research Grant – Cardiology 2004, candidature.

  • Bekales Research Grant (2005)

  • NHS: Translational medicine: stem cell applications (2006)

  • ICIN: Stem cells from patients with genetic cardiac disease (2007)

  • BMM: SMARTCARE: cardiac repair with microtissues (2008)

  • NIRM: Stem cells as disease models (2009)

  • ZonMw: TAS (Translationeel Adult Stamcelonderzoek) Cardiomyocyte progenitor cells for clinical application in cardiac repair (2011-2015)
    Phase A1 preclinical PL €300.000 (total project  €2.0M)

  • CVON: HUSTCARE: HUman STem cells for CArdiac Repair (2012-2017)
    (Total project 0,5M)

  • CAS-NW Program: Cardiac cell therapy in a preclinical animal model for hereditary cardiomyopathie (Total project 450K)

  • Leducq (Total project 6 M€) (2018)

  • RegMed: Cardiovascular Moonshot (4 M€) (2018)

External positions

adviesraad - aandeelhouder in HeartEye - HeartEye

Aansturen Netherlands Heart Institute - Letten op belangen van beide organisaties omdat het beide over cardiologie gaat. - Netherlands Heart Institute

Advies medisch inhoudelijk en funding - Geen Chirurgische technieken Inkomsten voor afd cardiologie - AMT