Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Paul J van Diest has been a dedicated cancer researcher since the start of his career, obtaining numerous grants a.o. from the NIH and the Dutch Cancer Society. He studied Medicine, did his PhD and pathology residency at the VU University medical center (VUMC) in Amsterdam. After obtaining his Board certification in Pathology in 1996, he became Consultant Pathologist at the Department of Pathology of the VUMC. In 1999 he was appointed Associate Professor and in 2001 to full Professor. In 2003 he moved to Utrecht to become Head of the Department of Pathology at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) where he is currently still working. He is Adjunct Professor of Oncology at the Sidney Kimmel Oncology Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA. He serves on the editorial board of >20 international journals. He has been active in the board as secretary and president of several international societies. He has published >900 papers in peer reviewed journals, personally supervised 90 PhD theses, and has an H-index of 99. The main theme of his research is finding ways for prevention, optimized diagnosis and cure of breast cancer, both the male and female forms. He is also active in the field of implementing digital pathology and AI.
Research aim
We aim to optimize early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, especially rare breast cancers like pregnancy associated, male & lobular breast cancer. We refine tissue diagnostics with molecular techniques/AI, and apply nipple fluid/blood tests.
Go to groupResearch aim
To develop, validate, and implement AI in digital pathology practice
Go to groupDutch Cancer Society (KWF)
Health Care Efficiency Research Programme of The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)
Board of Advisors - Adviseren - ESDIP
Advisory Board - Jaarlijkse meeting duur 1 dag bijwonen - Visiopharm
Advisor - AI ontwikkeling en research wordt gedaan op afdeling - PAIGE
Member of the Digital Pathology advisory board of Paige - Op basis van expertise - Paige
Contractresearch - Vanuit de expertise van mijn huidige functie - Samantree
Visiting Professor. lesgeven, opleiding AIOS uit Siena voor stage althier - Op basis expertise - University of Siena, Italy
Zie bijlage - Alles op basis van expertise in mijn functie - Varia alle inkomsten t.g.v. UMC Utrecht zie bijlage
Member of the Digital Pathology advisory board of Philips - Vanuit mijn expertise - Philips
Wetenschappelijk - Vanuit mijn expertise - Sidney Kimmel Oncology Center at Johns Hopkins