Profile photo Niels Bovenschen

Niels Bovenschen

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Prof. dr. Niels Bovenschen studied Medical Biology at the Free University in Amsterdam and he obtained his PhD in 2003 at Sanquin Research (Amsterdam). In 2004, he moved to the department of Pathology at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht). His research group focuses on the effector immune response in eliminating tumor cells and virus-infected cells and how to improve (cancer) immunotherapy. He is in charge of the UMC Utrecht Pathology Research Laboratory and head of the Laboratory of Translational Immunology core facility Proteins. Niels was appointed as Senior Fellow in 2017 and as Principal Fellow in 2020 at Utrecht University. His mission is to engage undergraduate students in science by creating synergy between education, scientific research, and healthcare already at the early undergraduate level. Niels focuses on multidisciplinary collaboration and facilitates students to work on real-world societally relevant problems in the healthcare domain. He is examiner and coordinator of several (bio)medical educational programs and courses at the faculty of Medicine, Utrecht University. He founded the Bachelor Research Hub and Student Research Hub network. In 2019, Niels Bovenschen won the Outstanding Teacher Award of Utrecht University. He was appointed professor of Biomedical Research-based Education at the faculty of Medicine in 2021.

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Immunotherapy for Brain Cancer

Research aim

Our research focusses on the effector immune response of cytotoxic (killer) cells in brain cancer. We aim to translate this knowledge into (cellular) immunotherapy and nanomedicines that mimic effector phase immunity to target cancer.

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Recent publications

Uniting education, research, healthcare, and society to advance women's heart health Michael Y. Schakelaar, Annemieke Maas, Anne Mar L.N. van Ommen, Anna E. Spiering, Roos de Jonge, Patrick Wijchers, Gerda van Rossum, Balthasar A. Heesters, Olivier G. de Jong, Jelle Zandveld, Heggert G. Rebel, Jan Meeldijk, Emma W. Pijnappel, Suzanne van Dijk, Alessia Di Maggio, Olaf Nijssen, Jorine G.F. Sanders, Lies Hoogerwerf, Mike van Spaandonk, Sandra Crnko, Thijs Koorman, Kevin Jenniskens, N. Charlotte Onland-Moret, Stefan M. van Geelen, Toine Ten Broeke, Annet van Royen-Kerkhof, Gönül Dilaver, Sabrina Oliveira, Robbert J. Kok, Linda W. van Laake, Pim van der Harst, Wilko Spiering, Frans H. Rutten, Marco van Brussel, Hester M. den Ruijter, Niels Bovenschen
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2024, vol. 221
Integration of circadian rhythms and immunotherapy for enhanced precision in brain cancer treatment Matthias Quist, Maas van Os, Linda W. van Laake, Niels Bovenschen, Sandra Crnko
EBioMedicine, 2024, vol. 109
Strengthening educational leadership through a professional development programme in conjunction with a teaching-focused full professor career track Vincent Crone, Frans Prins, Christel Lutz, Irma Meijerman, Veronique Schutjens, Maarten van der Smagt, Leoniek Wijngaards-de Meij, Niels Bovenschen, Manon Kluijtmans
International Journal for Academic Development, 2023, vol. 29, p.366-378
A challenge-based interdisciplinary undergraduate concept fostering translational medicine Floris A Valentijn, Michael Y Schakelaar, Maria A Hegeman, Willemijn D Schot, Wim J A G Dictus, Sandra Crnko, Toine Ten Broeke, Niels Bovenschen
Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2023, vol. 52, p.198-209
Serpin B9 controls tumor cell killing by CAR T cells Thomas Kimman, Anne Slomp, Anne Martens, Sarah Grabherr, Shuang Li, Eline van Diest, Jan Meeldijk, Jurgen Kuball, Monique C. Minnema, Eric Eldering, Niels Bovenschen, Zsolt Sebestyén, Victor Peperzak
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 2023, vol. 11
Temporal Dynamics of Serum Perforin and Granzymes in Three Different Clinical Stages of Virus-Induced Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Sukhyun Ryu, Jin Kyeong Choi, Chiara Achangwa, Soojung Cho, Joo-Hee Hwang, Jeong-Hwan Hwang, Niels Bovenschen, Chang-Seop Lee
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 2023, vol. 109, p.554-558

Fellowships & Awards

2024: UMCU Anja Award. Patient participation.

2023: UU Team Award Onderwijs. CHARM-EU.

2020: Principal Fellow Utrecht University

2019: Outstanding Teacher Award. Docent van het jaar. Utrecht University

2018: NWO Comenius Teaching Fellow grant

2018: Lecturer of the year. Docent van het jaar. Faculty of Medicine, Utrecht University

2017: Senior Fellow Utrecht University

2006: NWO/ZonMw VENI grant (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research).

External positions

Lid Raad van Toezicht - Controleren bestuur - Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal

Module coordinator CHARM-EU - onderwijs - Universiteit Utrecht

Ambassadeur Multidisciplinair Onderwijs, DNUS, UMCU - Onderwijs - UMCU

Bestuurslid Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap EWUU - Onderwijs, Docentprofessionalisering, Leiderschap - Universiteit Utrecht

Lid Commissie UU Docent van het Jaar - Onderwijs - Universiteit Utrecht

Principal Fellow, CAT, UU - Onderwijs - Universiteit Utrecht

Review Editor Journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology - Onderzoek - Frontiers Editorial Office

Lid Comeniusnetwerk - Onderwijsinnovatie en onderwijsonderzoek - Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek

Bestuurslid Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap UU - Onderwijs, Docentprofessionalisering, Leiderschap - Universiteit Utrecht

Lid Examencommissie Opleiding Geneeskunde - Onderwijs - Universiteit Utrecht

Academic Editor - Onderzoek - PLoS ONE