Profile photo Nico Wulffraat

Nico Wulffraat

Full Professor


Nico Wulffraat is professor of pediatric Rheumatology at the department of pediatrics, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands. He obtained his MD and PhD (1987) at the Free University Hospital Amsterdam. He trained as a paediatrician from 1988 untill 1993 in Utrecht. He was fellow pediatric immunology and rheumatology from 1993 to 1995 in the WKZ. Since 1995 he worked as a consultant in pediatric immunology-rheumatology. Since 2010 he is the head of this subunit. From 1997-2004 he was also coordinator of the pediatric allogeneic and autologous stem cell transplantations for immune deficiencies, metabolic disorders and autoimmune diseases. He is PI of several investigator initiated trials of immunisations in children with rheumatic diseases including MMR, HPV and Men C, prevention of MTX side effects, and application of Mesenchymal Stem cells in refractory GvHD and JIA. He is coordinator of a FP7 consortium for pharmacovigilance of biologics used in JIA (PHARMACHILD). Also he leads the EHHC project SHARE that aims at documenting standards of care and treatment recommendations for pediatric rheumatic diseases throughout Europe.

Since 2008 he became supervisor of the postgraduate clinical fellowship pediatric rheumatology and since 2009 head of pediatric immunology and rheumatology. In 2014, he was appointed as head of pediatric Rheumatology, Immunology, hematology and infectious diseases.

He has co-authored 220 Pubmed cited papers in international journals on pediatric rheumatology and immunology and 12 chapters in books.

Recent publications

Humoral and cellular immunogenicity, effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in patients with pediatric rheumatic diseases Mohamad Hamad Saied, Joeri W van Straalen, Sytze de Roock, Frans M Verduyn Lunel, Jelle de Wit, Lia G H de Rond, Erika Van Nieuwenhove, Bas J Vastert, Joris M van Montfrans, Annet van Royen-Kerkhof, Gerrie C J de Joode-Smink, Joost F Swart, Nico M Wulffraat, Marc H A Jansen
Vaccine, 2024, vol. 42, p.1145-1153
The reliability and validity of the juvenile idiopathic arthritis magnetic resonance scoring system for temporomandibular joints Willemijn de Sonnaville, Caroline Speksnijder, Peter Zuithoff, Simone ter Horst, Frank Nap, Nico Wulffraat, MH Steenks, Antoine Jwp Rosenberg
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 2024, vol. 52, p.906-913
Vaccinology in pediatric rheumatology Masa Bizjak, Merav Heshin-Bekenstein, Marc H.A. Jansen, Amit Ziv, Saskya Angevare, Yosef Uziel, Nicolaas M. Wulffraat, Natasa Toplak,
Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2023, vol. 10
Editorial Natasa Toplak, Nicolaas M. Wulffraat, Yosef Uziel
Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2023, vol. 11
COVID-19-related anxiety trajectories in children, young people and adults with rheumatic diseases Stephanie J.W. Shoop-Worrall, Suzanne M.M. Verstappen, Wendy Costello, Saskya P. Angevare, Yosef Uziel, Carine Wouters, Nico Wulffraat, Richard Beesley
Rheumatology advances in practice, 2023, vol. 7
Managing juvenile idiopathic arthritis within the context of their life G. R. Currie, B. L. Kennedy, S. M. Benseler, Yeung R. S. M., J. F. Swart, S. J. Vastert, N. M. Wulffraat, Kip M. M. A., Gail MacKean, D. A. Marshall
Musculoskeletal Care, 2023, vol. 21, p.1248-1260

External positions

chair of the European rare Diseases Network (RITA) - Clinical & Research expertise - The European Reference Network