Profile photo Neeltje Steeghs

Neeltje Steeghs

Assistant Professor - medical


Neeltje Steeghs, M.D., Ph.D. is a licensed Medical Oncologist and Clinical Pharmacologist.  She served as chair of the Dutch Pharmacology Oncology Group and chair of the Dutch GIST consortium. Her main scientific interests are new drug development, including the  performance of clinical phase I and early phase II trials, and the inclusion of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in these studies. She also has a major interest in the design aspects of early clinical studies.
Besides her clinical activities, she has been Clinical Assessor for the Medicines Evaluation Board of the European Medicines Agency (2009-2011), chair of the Dutch Sarcoma Study Group, board member for the Paediatric Oncology Research Foundation (2010-2013), Young investigator for the EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (2013-2016), chair of the multidisciplinary expert board for the Center for Personalized Cancer Treatment (2012-2015) and Vice-Chair of the Medical Ethical Committee of the Netherlands Cancer Institute. She has also been board member for the Dutch Oncological Medicine Evaluation Board, the National Working Party for Cancer Drugs Interactions and the Translational Research Board of the Netherlands Cancer Institute. She has a.o. been editor of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), and Pharmacology of Anti-Cancer Drugs.
She currently serves as Director for the National Platform of Early Phase Clinical Trials at Oncode Accelerator/University Medical Center Utrecht, as Director of the Early Drug Development Center and Clinical Research at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and as advisor for several pharmaceutical companies.
Neeltje Steeghs has been principle investigator for many investigator initiated and industry sponsored clinical trials. She is regarded as a leading authority on mechanisms for safe and effective dosing of anticancer agents. She has authored or co-authored over 200 scientific papers, and has given numerous lectures on a variety of topics at international meetings.
Neeltje Steeghs was invited to join the ESMO 2024 Scientific Committee as member of the Developmental therapeutics track.

Recent publications

Interleukin-6 in relation to early recurrence in primary, localized soft tissue sarcoma P van der Laan, W T A van der Graaf, D van den Broek, H van Boven, B C Heeres, Y Schrage, R L Haas, N Steeghs, W J van Houdt
European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2024, vol. 50
Factors for a broad technology assessment of comprehensive genomic profiling in advanced cancer, a systematic review L F van Schaik, E G Engelhardt, E A Wilthagen, N Steeghs, A Fernández Coves, M A Joore, W H van Harten, V P Retèl
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 2024, vol. 202
Ripretinib versus sunitinib in gastrointestinal stromal tumor Michael C. Heinrich, Robin L. Jones, Suzanne George, Hans Gelderblom, Patrick Schöffski, Margaret von Mehren, John R. Zalcberg, Yoon Koo Kang, Albiruni Abdul Razak, Jonathan Trent, Steven Attia, Axel Le Cesne, Brittany L. Siontis, David Goldstein, Kjetil Boye, Cesar Sanchez, Neeltje Steeghs, Piotr Rutkowski, Mihaela Druta, César Serrano, Neeta Somaiah, Ping Chi, William Reichmann, Kam Sprott, Haroun Achour, Matthew L. Sherman, Rodrigo Ruiz-Soto, Jean Yves Blay, Sebastian Bauer
Nature Medicine, 2024, vol. 30, p.498-506
Olaparib plus Durvalumab, with or without Bevacizumab, as Treatment in PARP Inhibitor-Naïve Platinum-Sensitive Relapsed Ovarian Cancer Yvette Drew, Jae Weon Kim, Richard T. Penson, David M. O’Malley, Christine Parkinson, Patricia Roxburgh, Ruth Plummer, Seock Ah Im, Martina Imbimbo, Michelle Ferguson, Ora Rosengarten, Neeltje Steeghs, Min Hwan Kim, Einav Gal-Yam, Daliah Tsoref, Jae Hoon Kim, Benoit You, Maja De Jonge, Roy Lalisang, Eelke Gort, Sara Bastian, Kassondra Meyer, Laura Feeney, Nigel Baker, Mei Lin Ah-See, Susan M. Domchek, Susana Banerjee,
Clinical Cancer Research, 2024, vol. 30, p.50-62
Fear, anxiety and depression in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) patients in the Netherlands Deborah van de Wal, Dide den Hollander, Ingrid M.E. Desar, Hans Gelderblom, Astrid W. Oosten, Anna K.L. Reyners, Neeltje Steeghs, Olga Husson, Winette T.A. van der Graaf
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2024, vol. 24
Phase I Study of Elraglusib (9-ING-41), a Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3b Inhibitor, as Monotherapy or Combined with Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Malignancies Benedito A. Carneiro, Ludimila Cavalcante, Devalingam Mahalingam, Anwaar Saeed, Howard Safran, Wen Wee Ma, Andrew L. Coveler, Steven Powell, Bruno Bastos, Elizabeth Davis, Vaibhav Sahai, William Mikrut, James Longstreth, Sheri Smith, Taylor Weisskittel, Hu Li, Brittany A. Borden, R. Donald Harvey, Solmaz Sahebjam, Andres Cervantes, Austin Koukol, Andrew P. Mazar, Neeltje Steeghs, Razelle Kurzrock, Francis J. Giles, Pamela Munster
Clinical Cancer Research, 2024, vol. 30, p.522-531

External positions

lid portfolio review board - 1x per 2 jaar portfolio review - Cancer Research UK Center for Drug Development

Internist-oncoloog/hoofd CRU - Internist-oncoloog/hoofd CRU - Nederlands Kanker Instituut - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

editor - editor - Journals (meerdere)

Consultancy - Advisering tav medicijn ontwikkeling en klinische studies - Meerdere farmaceutische bedrijven

lid commissie Beoordeling Oncologische Middelen [cieBOM] van de NVMO - Beoordeling oncologische middelen voor beroepsgroep - commissie Beoordeling Oncologische Middelen [cieBOM] van d

Lid - Beoordeling studievoorstellen - METC