Research groups

Tumor Immunology

Research aim

Our research aims to revolutionise cancer treatment by advancing innovative immunotherapies, ensuring safer, more effective therapies, and improving patient outcomes, ultimately transforming lives through cutting-edge translational cancer research.

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Recent publications

Efficacy and safety of daratumumab in pure red cell aplasia after allogeneic transplantation Flores Gerrit Weverling, Mieke W H Roeven, Klaartje Kasper Nijssen, Annoek E C Broers, Elisabeth Dovern, Anna van Rhenen, Geerte van Sluis, Carin Hazenberg, Peter van Balen, Maria T Kuipers, Karen M K de Vooght, Linde M Morsink, Jürgen Kuball, Erfan Nur, Moniek Dewitte
Blood Advances, 2024, vol. 8, p.1683-1686
Definitions matter Konradin F. Müskens, Winny N.R. Collot-d'Escury, Rana Dandis, Saskia Haitjema, Jürgen Kuball, Moniek A. de Witte, Marc Bierings, Caroline A. Lindemans, Stefan Nierkens, Mirjam E. Belderbos
Hemasphere, 2024, vol. 8
CCN2/CTGF expression does not correlate with fibrosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms, consistent with noncanonical TGF-β signaling driving myelofibrosis Roos J Leguit, Roel Broekhuizen, Moniek de Witte, Reinier A P Raymakers, Roel Goldschmeding
Virchows Archives, 2024, vol. 484, p.837-845
The personal impact of living with a myeloproliferative neoplasm A A M Eppingbroek, L Lechner, E C Bakker, M D Nijkamp, M A de Witte, C A W Bolman
Psycho-Oncology, 2024, vol. 33
Busulfan exposure target attainment in adults undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation T Bognàr, I H Imke Bartelink, K C M van der Elst, J S Kingma, E H Smeijsters, C A Caroline Lindemans, A C G Toine Egberts, J H E Kuball, M A de Witte, A H M de Vries Schultink, A Lalmohamed
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, 2024, vol. 30, p.1007.e1-1007.e10
Progressive demyelinating polyneuropathy after hematopoietic cell transplantation in metachromatic leukodystrophy Shanice Beerepoot, Jaap Jan Boelens, Caroline Lindemans, Moniek A de Witte, Stefan Nierkens, Alexander F J E Vrancken, Marjo S van der Knaap, Marianna Bugiani, Nicole I Wolf
Journal of Neurology, 2024, vol. 271, p.4028-4038

External positions

Hematoloog - Spreker en moderator DHC - NVVH

Spreker - Overzicht MPN ontwikkelen ASH voor Nederland - HED & ASH Revies

bestuurslid - werkgroep - HOVON

Lid - Werkgroep - HOVON MPN werkgroep

Lid - Member Registry Committee - EBMT

Member - Data Safety Monitoring Board Miltenyi DALY trials - Miltenyi

Lid - organisatie DHC congres - NVVH