Profile photo Cathy Moelans

Cathy Moelans

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


Cathy B. Moelans studied Biomedical Sciences and Medical Biochemistry at the University of Antwerp (UA) in Belgium from 1997-2001. After her magna cum laude graduation, she worked as academic assistant at the Department of Cell Biology and Histology of the University of Antwerp for two years. In 2005 she moved to Utrecht, The Netherlands, to become a technician and later PhD student at the Department of Pathology of the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU). After obtaining her PhD in 2009, she worked as a postdoc at the same department, where she later became assistant professor. She has been a dedicated breast cancer researcher since the start of her career, she was a trainee at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, US (lab of Sara Sukumar) in 2011 and received the Henny C. Dirven cure price in 2012 for her multidisciplinary breast cancer research. In 2014 she received her basic qualification in education at the University of Utrecht. From 2018-2019 she participated in the Elisabeth Steyn Parvé talent program of the University Medical Center Utrecht, a two-year program for stimulation of talented female researchers. From 2019-2022 she participated in the Teaching Scholar Program of the University Medical Center Utrecht, a program for senior academic teachers to gain more in-depth knowledge of medical education. She is currently coordinator of the elective Molecular (onco)Pathology course, a member of the Quality Assurance Assessment Committee for Biomedical Sciences, and a member of the Board of Examiners of the Graduate School of Life Sciences.

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Translational breast cancer research group

Research aim

We aim to optimize early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, especially rare breast cancers like pregnancy associated, male & lobular breast cancer. We refine tissue diagnostics with molecular techniques/AI, and apply nipple fluid/blood tests.

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Recent publications

Estrogen receptor 1 chromatin profiling in human breast tumors reveals high inter-patient heterogeneity with enrichment of risk SNPs and enhancer activity at most-conserved regions Stacey E P Joosten, Sebastian Gregoricchio, Suzan Stelloo, Elif Yapıcı, Chia-Chi Flora Huang, Kerim Yavuz, Maria Donaldson Collier, Tunç Morova, Umut Berkay Altintaş, Yongsoo Kim, Sander Canisius, Cathy B Moelans, Paul J van Diest, Gozde Korkmaz, Nathan A Lack, Michiel Vermeulen, Sabine C Linn, Wilbert Zwart
Genome Research, 2024, vol. 34, p.539-555
Biomedical students' satisfaction with and engagement in laboratory e-learning support are related to their self-regulation C B Moelans, J J Geerling, R D Radersma, M J Moons, P J van Diest, M F van der Schaaf
Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2024, vol. 52, p.262-275
The Diagnostic Value of microRNA Expression Analysis in Detecting Intraductal Papillomas in Patients with Pathological Nipple Discharge Seher Makineli, Menno R. Vriens, Arjen J. Witkamp, Paul J. van Diest, Cathy B. Moelans
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, vol. 25
A YAP-centered mechanotransduction loop drives collective breast cancer cell invasion Antoine A Khalil, Daan Smits, Peter D Haughton, Thijs Koorman, Karin A Jansen, Mathijs P Verhagen, Mirjam van der Net, Kitty van Zwieten, Lotte Enserink, Lisa Jansen, Abdelrahman G El-Gammal, Daan Visser, Milena Pasolli, Max Tak, Denise Westland, Paul J van Diest, Cathy B Moelans, M Guy Roukens, Sandra Tavares, Anne-Marie Fortier, Morag Park, Riccardo Fodde, Martijn Gloerich, Fried J T Zwartkruis, Patrick Wb Derksen, Johan de Rooij
Nature Communications, 2024, vol. 15
Papillomatous breast lesions with atypical columnar cell features Mirthe De Boer, Anoek H.J. Verschuur-Maes, Cathy Moelans, Paul J. Van Diest
Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2023, vol. 76, p.228-233
Proteomics on malignant pleural effusions reveals ERα loss in metastatic breast cancer associates with SGK1-NDRG1 deregulation Isabel Mayayo-Peralta, Donna O Debets, Stefan Prekovic, Karianne Schuurman, Suzanne Beerthuijzen, Mathilde Almekinders, Joyce Sanders, Cathy B Moelans, Sandra Saleiro, Jelle Wesseling, Paul J van Diest, Rui Henrique, Carmen Jerónimo, Maarten Altelaar, Wilbert Zwart
Molecular Oncology, 2023, vol. 18, p.156-169

Fellowships & Awards

2013: Henny C. Dirven Cure Prize for young breast cancer researchers