Profile photo Miriam Sturkenboom

Miriam Sturkenboom

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Miriam Sturkenboom is head of the Department of Datascience and Biostatistics in the Julius Center at University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands. She has a PhD from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Groningen (cum laude), a pharmacy degree from the same University and a Master in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. She is past president of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology. She served as expert to EMA, FDA and WHO. She was professor of Observational Data Anlysis at the department of Medical Informatics at Erasmus University till 2022, and since 2022 is professor of Real World Evidence at the University Utrecht.

Her research interests focus on transforming real world data into real world evidence on drug use, effectiveness and safety in vulnerable populations (children, pregnancy and elderly). She has created international ecosystems and infrastructures that allow for health data mining, pooling and analysis to learn about the use and effects of drugs after marketing, since 30 years.  She led workpackages in several FP-6, 7 and Horizon funded projects and coordinated 3 large FP-7 projects (SOS, ARITMO, SAFEGUARD). She coordinated the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) funded ADVANCE public private collaboration, with 47 partners. This project aimed to establish a tested system for the monitoring of benefits and risks of vaccines, she transformed this project into the sustainable Vaccine Monitoring Collaboration for Europe (VAC4EU), an international non-for profit association with currently 30 member organizations. VAC4EU was set up in 2020 and was instrumental during the COVID-19 pandemic to monitor COVID-19 vaccine safety for EMA and vaccine manufacturers. Miriam is coordinator of the IMI-funded ConcepTION project, with 88 organisations, ConcePTION has established  an ecosystem to assess drugs safety in pregnancy and lactation.  Through the European Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacovigilance research network she coordinated the 4 studies on COVID-19 vaccine & medicines safety monitoring for the European Medicines Agency. The department of Data Science and Biostatistics that she leads since November 2020 has now more than 80 persons, and her RWE team grew from 1 to 30, with 15 nationalities, showing a diverse, open, multidisciplinary and team science spirit. She has published more than 400 articles, promoted more than 50 PhD students, and focuses on open science and addressing societal needs through health data science on medicines. She is strategic head of node of the Health Data Space Utrecht in the Dutch national research data infrastructure (Health-RI), and member of the UMCU data board.

Research groups

Real World Evidence group

Research aim

The Real-World Evidence group at the University Medical Center Utrecht has the vision that we should generate best evidence from real world data in a learning health care system.

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Recent publications

Insight Vjola Hoxhaj, Constanza L Andaur Navarro, Judit Riera-Arnau, Roel J H J Elbers, Ema Alsina, Caitlin Dodd, Miriam C J M Sturkenboom
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2025, vol. 34
Metadata for Data dIscoverability aNd Study rEplicability in obseRVAtional Studies (MINERVA) Rosa Gini, Romin Pajouheshnia, Lia Gutierrez, Morris A Swertz, Eleanor Hyde, Miriam Sturkenboom, Alejandro Arana, Carla Franzoni, Vera Ehrenstein, Giuseppe Roberto, Miguel Gil, Miguel Angel Maciá, Wiebke Schäfer, Ulrike Haug, Nicolas H Thurin, Régis Lassalle, Cécile Droz-Perroteau, Silvia Zaccagnino, Maria Paula Busto, Bas Middelkoop, Karin Gembert, Francisco Sanchez-Saez, Clara Rodriguez-Bernal, Gabriel Sanfélix-Gimeno, Isabel Hurtado, Manuel Barreiro de Acosta, Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Jonás Carmona-Pírez, Antonio Gimeno-Miguel, Alexandra Prados-Torres, Anna Schultze, Ella Jansen, Ron Herings, Josine Kuiper, Igor Locatelli, Janja Jazbar, Špela Žerovnik, Mitja Kos, Steven Smit, Sirje Lind, Andres Metspalu, Stefania Simou, Karin Hedenmalm, Ana Cochino, Paolo Alcini, Xavier Kurz, Susana Perez-Gutthann
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2024, vol. 33
Frequency and timing of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines; A multi-country cohort event monitoring study Monika Raethke, Florence van Hunsel, Nicoletta Luxi, Thomas Lieber, Chiara Bellitto, Erik Mulder, Francesco Ciccimarra, Fabio Riefolo, Nicolas H Thurin, Debabrata Roy, Kathryn Morton, Felipe Villalobos, Francisco Batel Marques, Andreea Farcas, Simona Sonderlichová, Svetlana Belitser, Olaf Klungel, Gianluca Trifirò, Miriam C Sturkenboom
Vaccine, 2024, vol. 42, p.2357-2369
COVID-19 and pregnancy Eimir Hurley, Benjamin P Geisler, Angela Lupattelli, Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Régis Lassalle, Jérémy Jové, Marie-Agnes Bernard, Dunia Sakr, Gabriel Sanfélix-Gimeno, Francisco Sánchez-Saez, Clara L Rodríguez-Bernal, Mònica Sabaté, Elena Ballarín, Cristina Aguilera, Sue Jordan, Daniel Thayer, Ian Farr, Saira Ahmed, Claudia Bartolini, Giorgio Limoncella, Olga Paoletti, Rosa Gini, Luigi A Maglanoc, Elena Dudukina, Vera Ehrenstein, Ema Alsina, Tiago A Vaz, Judit Riera-Arnau, Miriam C J M Sturkenboom, Hedvig M E Nordeng
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2024, vol. 80, p.707-716
Metadata for Data dIscoverability aNd Study rEplicability in obseRVAtional Studies (MINERVA) Romin Pajouheshnia, Rosa Gini, Lia Gutierrez, Morris A Swertz, Eleanor Hyde, Miriam Sturkenboom, Alejandro Arana, Carla Franzoni, Vera Ehrenstein, Giuseppe Roberto, Miguel Gil, Miguel Angel Maciá, Wiebke Schäfer, Ulrike Haug, Nicolas H Thurin, Régis Lassalle, Cécile Droz-Perroteau, Silvia Zaccagnino, Maria Paula Busto, Bas Middelkoop, Karin Gembert, Francisco Sanchez-Saez, Clara Rodriguez-Bernal, Gabriel Sanfélix-Gimeno, Isabel Hurtado, Manuel Barreiro de Acosta, Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Jonás Carmona-Pírez, Antonio Gimeno-Miguel, Alexandra Prados-Torres, Anna Schultze, Ella Jansen, Ron Herings, Josine Kuiper, Igor Locatelli, Janja Jazbar, Špela Žerovnik, Mitja Kos, Steven Smit, Sirje Lind, Andres Metspalu, Stefania Simou, Karin Hedenmalm, Ana Cochino, Paolo Alcini, Xavier Kurz, Susana Perez-Gutthann
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2024, vol. 33
Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccines in Persons with Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Francesco Ciccimarra, Nicoletta Luxi, Chiara Bellitto, Luca L'Abbate, Monika Raethke, Florence van Hunsel, Thomas Lieber, Erik Mulder, Fabio Riefolo, Caroline Dureau-Pournin, Andreea Farcas, Francisco Batel Marques, Kathryn Morton, Debabrata Roy, Simona Sonderlichová, Nicolas H Thurin, Felipe Villalobos, Miriam C Sturkenboom, Gianluca Trifirò
Vaccines, 2024, vol. 12, p.1-20

External positions

president - verkozen, UMCU is lid van de organisatie - Vaccine Monitoring Collaboration for Europe

SPEAC project (CEPI), wetenschappelijk input - Gaat over vaccine safety harmonisatie in clinical trials, werk in JC gebruikt de outputs - Task Force for Global Health