Profile photo Michiel van der Vlist

Michiel van der Vlist

Assistant Professor

Research groups

Inhibitory receptor lab

Research aim

To use the full potential of inhibitory receptors to cure inflammatory disease and cancer

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Recent publications

A novel bioinformatics pipeline for the identification of immune inhibitory receptors as potential therapeutic targets Akashdip Singh, Alberto Miranda Bedate, Helen J von Richthofen, Saskia V Vijver, Michiel van der Vlist, Raphael Kuhn, Alexander Yermanos, Jürgen J Kuball, Can Kesmir, M Ines Pascoal Ramos, Linde Meyaard
eLife, 2024, vol. 13
m6A Reader YTHDC1 Impairs Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection by Downregulating Membrane CX3CR1 Expression Lucas W. Picavet, Ellen C.N. van Vroonhoven, Rianne C. Scholman, Yesper T.H. Smits, Rupa Banerjee, Sjanna B. Besteman, Mattheus C. Viveen, Michiel M. van der Vlist, Marvin E. Tanenbaum, Robert J. Lebbink, Sebastiaan J. Vastert, Jorg van Loosdregt
Viruses, 2024, vol. 16
Airway and Blood Monocyte Transcriptomic Profiling Reveals an Antiviral Phenotype in Infants With Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection K Chappin, S B Besteman, M P Hennus, J G Wildenbeest, M Mokry, L J Bont, M van der Vlist, J J A Calis,
The Journal of infectious diseases, 2023, vol. 229, p.S100-S111
Signaling by the inhibitory receptor CD200R is rewired by type I interferon Michiel van der Vlist, M Inês Pascoal Ramos, Lucas L van den Hoogen, Sanne Hiddingh, Laura M Timmerman, Titus A P de Hond, Ellen D Kaan, Maarten van der Kroef, Robert Jan Lebbink, Florence M A Peters, William Khoury-Hanold, Ruth Fritsch-Stork, Timothy R D J Radstake, Linde Meyaard
Science Signaling [E], 2021, vol. 14, p.1-11
CD200R1L is a functional evolutionary conserved activating receptor in human neutrophils M Inês Pascoal Ramos, Can Keşmir, Jorn E. Stok, Ruben Geerdink, Nikolaos Satravelas, Geertje H.A. Westerlaken, Linde Meyaard, Michiel van der Vlist
Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2021, vol. 111, p.367-377
Identification of a novel conserved signaling motif in CD200 receptor required for its inhibitory function Laura M. Timmerman, J. Fréderique De Graaf, Nikolaos Satravelas, Çan Kesmir, Linde Meyaard, Michiel Van Der Vlist
PLoS ONE, 2021, vol. 16

External positions

Organiseren van het jaarlijkse voorjaars symposium - Inhoudelijke kennis op gebied van Immunology - Nederlandse Vereninging voor Immunology

Beoordelen CCD aanvragen en adviseren CCD. - Inhoudelijke kennis op gebied van Immunology en proefopzet. - DEC Utrecht