Michelle van Rijn

Nursing Researcher

Strategic program(s):

Recent publications

Symptom characteristics, perceived causal attributions, and contextual factors influencing self-care behaviors Barbara Riegel, Shayleigh Dickson Page, Subhash Aryal, Christopher S Lee, Andrew Belfiglio, Kenneth E Freedland, Anna Stromberg, Ercole Vellone, Heleen Westland, Michelle M van Rijn, Sara Pettersson, Douglas J Wiebe, Tiny Jaarsma
Patient Education and Counseling, 2024, vol. 123
Lessons learned from the MOMENT study on how to recruit and retain a target population online, across borders, and with automated remote data collection Andrew Belfiglio, Shayleigh Dickson Page, Sara Pettersson, Michelle van Rijn, Ercole Vellone, Heleen Westland, Kenneth E Freedland, Christopher Lee, Anna Strömberg, Douglas Wiebe, Subhash Aryal, Barbara Riegel, Tiny Jaarsma
PLoS ONE, 2024, vol. 19