Profile photo Michelle Spek

Michelle Spek

PHD Candidate - Medical


Michelle Spek studied a master in medicine and clinical research at Maastricht University and obtained her medical degree in 2020. She started her PhD programme at the Julius Center directly after her graduation. The focus of her PhD study is to optimise telephone triage in patients calling for acute shortness of breath during out-of-hours primary care. Her PhD programme is under supervision of prof. dr Frans Rutten, dr. Dorien Zwart and dr. Roderick Venekamp. 

Michelle Spek combines her PhD programme with the Postgraduate Master of Epidemiology at Utrecht University and the General Practice Vocational Training Programme in Utrecht. 


Recent publications

Displaying concerns within telephone triage conversations of callers with chest discomfort in out-of-hours primary care Michelle Spek, Tessa C van Charldorp, Vera V Vinck, Roderick P Venekamp, Frans H Rutten, Dorien LM Zwart, Esther de Groot
Patient Education and Counseling, 2023, vol. 113
Telefonische triage op de HAP bij patiënten met kortademigheid Michelle Spek
Huisarts en Wetenschap, 2022, vol. 65, p.63-63
Optimising telephone triage of patients calling for acute shortness of breath during out-of-hours primary care Michelle Spek, Roderick Venekamp, Esther De Groot, Geert Jan Geersing, Daphne Carmen Erkelens, Maarten van Smeden, Frans H. Rutten, Dorien L. Zwart
BMJ Open, 2022, vol. 12
ACS-diagnostiek verschilt nauwelijks voor mannen en vrouwen Michelle Spek, Loes Wouters, Karlijn Rutten, Frans Rutten, Dorien Zwart
Huisarts en Wetenschap, 2021, vol. 64, p.16-19