Profile photo Merijn Rijk

Merijn Rijk

PHD Candidate - Medical

Strategic program(s):


GP-trainee and PhD candidate (AIOTHO)

Research focus: routine health care data-based research on improving prognostication of adverse outcomes in primary care patients with lower respiratory tract infections, while considering the interplay with cardiovascular disease.

Recent publications

Automated, Point-of-Care mobile flow cytometry B. N. Jukema, T. C. Pelgrim, M. Spoelder, C. C.W.G. Bongers, M. T.E. Hopman, K. Smit, M. H. Rijk, R. P. Venekamp, N. Vrisekoop, L. Koenderman
Heliyon, 2024, vol. 10, p.1-13
Incomplete and possibly selective recording of signs, symptoms, and measurements in free text fields of primary care electronic health records of adults with lower respiratory tract infections Merijn H. Rijk, Tamara N. Platteel, Marissa M.M. Mulder, Geert Jan Geersing, Frans H. Rutten, Maarten van Smeden, Roderick P. Venekamp, Tuur M. Leeuwenberg
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2024, vol. 166, p.1-10
Prognostic factors and prediction models for hospitalisation and all-cause mortality in adults presenting to primary care with a lower respiratory tract infection Merijn H. Rijk, Tamara N. Platteel, Teun M.C. van den Berg, Geert Jan Geersing, Paul Little, Frans H. Rutten, Maarten van Smeden, Roderick P. Venekamp
BMJ Open, 2024, vol. 14
Predicting adverse outcomes in adults with a community-acquired lower respiratory tract infection: a protocol for the development and validation of two prediction models for (i) all-cause hospitalisation and mortality and (ii) cardiovascular outcomes Merijn H Rijk, Tamara N Platteel, Geert-Jan Geersing, Monika Hollander, Bert L G P Dalmolen, Paul Little, Frans H Rutten, Maarten van Smeden, Roderick P Venekamp
Diagnostic and Prognostic Research, 2023, vol. 7
Neutrophil and Eosinophil Responses Remain Abnormal for Several Months in Primary Care Patients With COVID-19 Disease B N Jukema, K Smit, M T E Hopman, C C W G Bongers, T C Pelgrim, M H Rijk, T N Platteel, R P Venekamp, D L M Zwart, F H Rutten, L Koenderman
Frontiers in allergy, 2022, vol. 3
Incidence and management of acute otitis media in adults Merijn H Rijk, Saskia Hullegie, Anne G M Schilder, Marlous F Kortekaas, Roger A M J Damoiseaux, Theo J M Verheij, Roderick P Venekamp
Family Practice, 2021, vol. 38, p.448-453