Profile photo Mattijs Alsem

Mattijs Alsem

Assistant Professor - medical

Recent publications

The Intrarater and Interrater Reliability of the OMT Classification Among Physicians With a Different Background Feikje Julia Ten Cate, Johan Peter William Don Griot, Juul Vera Alewijnse, Mattijs Willibrord Alsem, Jessica Warnink-Kavelaars, Frederique Theresia van der Zeeuw, Sarah Dekker, Nadia Lachkar, Margriet Harmke Maria van Doesburg
Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 2024, vol. 44, p.e662-e667
A Dutch paediatric palliative care guideline Kim C. van Teunenbroek, Renée L. Mulder, Dayna A.M. van Heel, Jurrianne C. Fahner, Mirjam A. de Vos-Broerse, Johannes M.A. Verheijden, Hester Rippen, Brigitt C.M. Borggreve, Leontien C.M. Kremer, Marijke C. Kars, Erna M.C. Michiels, A. A.Eduard Verhagen, Ilse H. Zaal-Schuller, Anne Weenink, Rosa Geurtzen, Catharina M. Delsman-van Gelder, Karen G.C.B. Bindels-de Heus, Loes Berkhout, Mattijs W. Alsem,
BMC Palliative care, 2024, vol. 23
A Multidisciplinary Approach Lieke Noij, Suzanne Terheggen-Lagro, Eefje Muselaers, Elizabeth Whittaker, Justine Gosling, Caroline Brackel, Kim Oostrom, Mattijs Alsem
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 2024, vol. 43, p.880-884
Clinical-based phenotypes in children with pediatric post-COVID-19 condition Lieke C E Noij, Jelle M Blankestijn, Coen R Lap, Marlies A van Houten, Giske Biesbroek, Anke-Hilse Maitland-van der Zee, Mahmoud I Abdel-Aziz, Johannes B van Goudoever, Mattijs W Alsem, Caroline L H Brackel, Kim J Oostrom, Simone Hashimoto, Suzanne W J Terheggen-Lagro
World journal of pediatrics : WJP, 2024, vol. 20, p.682-691
Designing eHealth interventions for children with complex care needs requires continuous stakeholder collaboration and co-creation Liz van de Riet, Anna M. Aris, Nick W. Verouden, Tibor van Rooij, Job B.M. van Woensel, Clara D. van Karnebeek, Mattijs W. Alsem
PEC Innovation, 2024, vol. 4
Exploring the "shared" in shared decision-making in the care for children with chronic diseases or disabilities M W Alsem, A Bakkum, M Ketelaar, A M Willemen
European Journal of Pediatrics, 2024, vol. 184

External positions

Assistant Editor Child: Care, Health, Development - Assistant Editor - Wiley