Profile photo Maryse van ‘t Klooster

Maryse van ‘t Klooster


Strategic program(s):

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Neurophysiology and surgical tailoring in epilepsy

Research aim

Epilepsy is a life-long brain disease affecting 1% of all people plus their surroundings. We will turn epilepsy into a curable disorder by understanding the underlying pathophysiology to improve diagnosis, guide and optimize neurosurgical treatment.

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Recent publications

Intraoperative mapping of epileptogenic foci and tumor infiltration in neuro-oncology patients with epilepsy Dongqing Sun, Eline V Schaft, Bibi M van Stempvoort, Tineke A Gebbink, Maryse van 't Klooster, Pieter van Eijsden, Sandra M A van der Salm, Jan Willem Dankbaar, Maeike Zijlmans, Pierre A Robe,
Neuro-oncology advances, 2024, vol. 6
Pausing propofol during neurosurgery to record intraoperative electrocorticography is feasible;10 years of clinical experience Dongqing Sun, Maryse A. van ’t Klooster, Elise M. Ringeling, Eline V. Schaft, Peter C. van Rijen, Frans S.S. Leijten, Matteo Demuru, Pierre A.J.T. Robe, Reinier G. Hoff, Maeike Zijlmans,
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2024, vol. 167, p.84-91

External positions

Clinical affairs manager (arbeidsovereenkomst 0.91 fte) - Verzameling klinisch bewijs & documentatie productontwikkeling t.b.v. triage van beroertes - TrianecT B.V.