Profile photo Marjolein Hensgens

Marjolein Hensgens

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):

Research groups

Epidemiology and clinical trials in infectious diseases

Research aim

To improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and to establish an international research infrastructure for a rapid scientific response in the face of a new infectious disease threat.

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Research aim

We aim to understand how infection and immunity impact transplantation. By uncovering these mechanisms, we aim to improve patient care, reduce rejection and complications, and enhance success rates, benefiting society with better health outcomes.

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Recent publications

Whole-of-Life Inclusion in Bayesian Adaptive Platform Clinical Trials Anita J Campbell, Keerthi Anpalagan, Emma J Best, Philip N Britton, Amanda Gwee, James Hatcher, Brett J Manley, Julie Marsh, Rachel H Webb, Joshua S Davis, Robert K Mahar, Anna McGlothlin, Brendan McMullan, Michael Meyer, Jocelyn Mora, Srinivas Murthy, Clare Nourse, Jesse Papenburg, Kevin L Schwartz, Oded Scheuerman, Thomas Snelling, Tobias Strunk, Michael Stark, Lesley Voss, Steven Y C Tong, Asha C Bowen, , Marjolein Hensgens
JAMA Pediatrics, 2024, vol. 178, p.1066-1071
External validation of the PAGE-B score for HCC risk prediction in people living with HIV/HBV coinfection Bernard Surial, Adrià Ramírez Mena, Marie Roumet, Andreas Limacher, Colette Smit, Marc van der Valk, J. M. Prins, M. van Vugt, E. J.G. Peters, L. M. Laan, H. S.M. Ammerlaan, A. E. Brouwer, A. Adams, J. de Groot, M. P.G. Koopmans, T. Nguyen, P. C.J. Bor, G. H.J. Wagenvoort, M. G.J. de Boer, C. J. Brouwer, E. Mulder, J. V. Smit, L. M. Kampschreur, J. W.T.Cohen Stuart, M. Hoogewerf, J. C. Sinnige, M. de Regt, M. Kok, K. van Aerde, M. Albers, M. de Haan, S. F.L. van Lelyveld, M. Bakker, D. F. Postma, H. de Jonge, R. E. Barth, A. H.W. Bruns, P. M. Ellerbroek, M. P.M. Hensgens, J. J. Oosterheert, E. M. Schadd, A. Verbon, B. J. van Welzen, I. de Kroon, F. M.Verduyn Lunel, A. M.J. Wensing, F. Paling, L. Peters, , , ,
Journal of Hepatology, 2023, vol. 78, p.947-957