Marien Houtman
Research Analyst
Recent publications
Insights in KIR2.1 channel structure and function by an evolutionary approach; cloning and functional characterization of the first reptilian inward rectifier channel KIR2.1, derived from the California kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula californiae)
M.J.C. Houtman, S. Korte, Y. JI, G.J.M. Kok, M.A. Vos, A. Stary-Weinzinger, M.A.G. van der Heyden
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2014, vol. 452, p.992-997
Combined Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger and L-type calcium channel block as a potential strategy to suppress arrhythmias and maintain ventricular function
V.J.A. Bourgonje, M.A. Vos, S. Ozdemir, N. Doisne, K. Acsai, A. Varro, A. Sztojkov-Ivanov, I. Zupko, E. Rauch, L. Kattner, V. Bito, M.J.C. Houtman, R. van der Nagel, H.D.M. Beekman, A.A.B. van Veen, K.R.A.C. Sipido, G. Antoons
Circulation. Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 2013, vol. 6, p.371-379
Efficient and specific cardiac IK₁ inhibition by a new pentamidine analogue
H. Takanari, L. Nalos, A. Stary-Weinzinger, K.C. de Git, R. Varkevisser, T. Linder, M.J.C. Houtman, M. Peschar, T.P. de Boer, R.R. Tidwell, M.B. Rook, M.A. Vos, M.A.G. van der Heyden
Cardiovascular Research, 2013, vol. 99, p.214