Profile photo Marc Bonten

Marc Bonten

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Marc Bonten earned his MD (1991) and PhD (“the role of colonization of the upper intestinal tract in the pathogenesis of ventilator-associated pneumonia, 1994) at the Maastricht University Medical School, the Netherlands. He registered as internist in 2000, as infectious disease specialist in 2002 and as clinical microbiologist in 2008, all at the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands. From 2008 till March 2021 he was head of the Department of Medical Microbiology. Since 2003 he is head of the research group of Infectious Disease Epidemiology of the Julius Center of Health Sciences and Primary Care and professor of molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases. He has been a principal investigator in many large scale epidemiologic studies and investigator-initiated randomized trials of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. His experience covers the full range of epidemiologic study designs including clinical trials, cohorts, case-control studies and mathematical modelling to study antibiotic resistance...

Research groups

Epidemiology and clinical trials in infectious diseases

Research aim

To improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and to establish an international research infrastructure for a rapid scientific response in the face of a new infectious disease threat.

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Epidemiology of sepsis & inflammation in critically ill patients

Research aim

We design and conduct clinical epidemiological research focused on risk stratification, early diagnosis, and novel treatment of critically ill patients with severe infections.

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Recent publications

Statistical documentation for multi-disease, multi-domain platform trials Robert K Mahar, Anna McGlothlin, Michael Dymock, Lauren Barina, Marc Bonten, Asha Bowen, Matthew P Cheng, Nick Daneman, Anna L Goodman, Todd C Lee, Roger J Lewis, Thomas Lumley, Alistair R D McLean, Zoe McQuilten, Jocelyn Mora, David L Paterson, David J Price, Jason Roberts, Tom Snelling, Jonas Tverring,...
Impact of Pseudomonas aeruginosa carriage on intensive care unit-acquired pneumonia Claudia Recanatini, Cornelis H van Werkhoven, Thomas E van der Schalk, Fleur Paling, Derek Hazard, Leen Timbermont, Gabriel Torrens, Antonio DiGiandomenico, Mark T Esser, Martin Wolkewitz, Frangiscos Sifakis, Herman Goossens, Marc Bonten, Antonio Oliver, Surbhi Malhotra-Kumar, Jan Kluytmans,
Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the...
Glycan-specific IgM is critical for human immunity to Staphylococcus aureus Astrid Hendriks, Priscilla F Kerkman, Meri R J Varkila, Jelle L G Haitsma Mulier, Sara Ali, Thijs Ten Doesschate, Thomas W van der Vaart, Carla J C de Haas, Piet C Aerts, Olaf L Cremer, Marc J M Bonten, Victor Nizet, George Y Liu, Jeroen D C Codée, Suzan...
The Plasma Lipidomic Landscape in Patients with Sepsis due to Community-acquired Pneumonia Osoul Chouchane, Alex R Schuurman, Tom D Y Reijnders, Hessel Peters-Sengers, Joe M Butler, Fabrice Uhel, Marcus J Schultz, Marc J Bonten, Olaf L Cremer, Carolyn S Calfee, Michael A Matthay, Raymond J Langley, Narges Alipanah-Lechner, Stephen F Kingsmore, Angela Rogers, Michel van Weeghel, Frédéric M Vaz, Tom van...
Efficacy and safety of an early oral switch in low-risk Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection (SABATO) Achim J. Kaasch, Luis Eduardo López-Cortés, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, José Miguel Cisneros, M. Dolores Navarro, Gerd Fätkenheuer, Norma Jung, Siegbert Rieg, Raphaël Lepeule, Laetitia Coutte, Louis Bernard, Adrien Lemaignen, Katrin Kösters, Colin R. MacKenzie, Alex Soriano, Stefan Hagel, Bruno Fantin, Matthieu Lafaurie, Jean Philippe Talarmin, Aurélien Dinh, Thomas Guimard, David...
Feasibility of tracking invasive Escherichia coli disease among older adults in a community setting Joachim Doua, Miquel Ekkelenkamp, Theo Verheij, Oscar Go, Stephen Ruhmel, Kimberly Leathers, Bart Spiessens, Sanne van Rooij, Vance G Fowler, Jeroen Geurtsen, Rowena Dolor, Michal Sarnecki, Ranee Chatterjee, Jan Poolman, Marc Bonten,
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2024, vol. 43, p.541-550

Fellowships & Awards

He is a VICI laureate (2006) from the Dutch Science Association, Principal Investigator of the CAPiTA study, coordinator of the EU-funded project R-GNOSIS, scientific coordinator of the IMI-funded consortiums COMBACTE-NET, COMBACTE-CARE, COMBACTE-MAGNET and PrimaVeRa. He is member of the International Trial Steering Committee of the REMAP-CAP study and the...

External positions

CEO - Clinical trials - Ecraid

Consultancy, assisteren bij het identificeren van geschikte studie lokaties voor fase3 studie - Werkzaamheden in kader van mijn rol als CEO Ecraid - Janssen Research

Via Ecraid, identificeren van geschikte klinieken voor deelname aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek - CEO...