Profile photo Maaike van Mourik

Maaike van Mourik

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):


My current research projects focus on methodological aspects of surveillance of healthcare-associated infections and quality of care in addition to coordination of the development and practical implementation of a new semi-automated surveillance approach for healthcare-associated infections within our tertiary care facility.
Teaching tasks include supervision of Masters' students, co-supervision of PhD students and instructor in clinical epidemiology for infection preventionists in training.

Research groups

Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Surveillance

Research aim

We aim to develop and improve surveillance of healthcare-associated infections, focusing particularly on automated surveillance using data collected during the routine proces of care.

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Recent publications

Federated systems for automated infection surveillance Stephanie M. van Rooden, Suzanne D. van der Werff, Maaike S.M. van Mourik, Frederikke Lomholt, Karina Lauenborg Møller, Sarah Valk, Carolina Dos Santos Ribeiro, Albert Wong, Saskia Haitjema, Michael Behnke, Eugenia Rinaldi
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, 2024, vol. 13, p.113

External positions

Lid commissie Infectieziekte & Resistentie - Bijdrage aan commissie als lid. - ZonMw

Lid adviesraad PREZIES - Advies met betrekken tot landelijke surveillance van zorginfecties. - RIVM