Ludo van der Pol

Full Professor

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Research groups

Research in Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Research aim

The Netherlands SMA Center is the single dedicated center for SMA in the Netherlands, including newborn screening, diagnostics, care, treatments and scientific research. We conduct various national and internal clinical trials and studies.

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Recent publications

Autosomal dominant in cis D4Z4 repeat array duplication alleles in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy Richard J.L.F. Lemmers, Russell Butterfield, Patrick J. Van Der Vliet, Jan L. De Bleecker, Ludo Van Der Pol, Diane M. Dunn, Corrie E. Erasmus, Marc D'Hooghe, Kristof Verhoeven, Judit Balog, Anne Bigot, Baziel Van Engelen, Jeffrey Statland, Enrico Bugiardini, Nienke Van Der Stoep, Teresinha Evangelista, Chiara Marini-Bettolo, Peter Van Den Bergh, Rabi Tawil, Nicol C. Voermans, John Vissing, Robert B. Weiss, Silvere M. Van Der Maarel
Brain, 2024, vol. 147, p.414-426
A 21-bp deletion in the complement regulator CD55 promotor region is associated with multifocal motor neuropathy and its disease course Jeroen W. Bos, Ewout J.N. Groen, Henny G. Otten, Kevin Budding, Ruben P.A. van Eijk, Chantall Curial, Tineke Kardol-Hoefnagel, H. Stephan Goedee, Leonard H. van den Berg, W. Ludo van der Pol
Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 2024, vol. 29, p.193-201
2024 update Janbernd Kirschner, Günther Bernert, Nina Butoianu, Liesbeth De Waele, Aviva Fattal-Valevski, Jana Haberlova, Teresa Moreno, Andrea Klein, Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk, Eugenio Mercuri, Susana Quijano-Roy, Thomas Sejersen, Eduardo F. Tizzano, W. Ludo van der Pol, Sean Wallace, Dimitrios Zafeiriou, Andreas Ziegler, Francesco Muntoni, Laurent Servais
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2024, vol. 51, p.73-78
Natural History of Mandibular Function in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Types 2 and 3 H. Willemijn van Bruggen, Camiel A. Wijngaarde, Faylynn Asselman, Marloes Stam, Nico H.J. Creugers, Renske I. Wadman, W. Ludo van der Pol, Stanimira I. Kalaykova
Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, 2024, vol. 11, p.655-664
IgM anti-GM2 antibodies in patients with multifocal motor neuropathy target Schwann cells and are associated with early onset Kevin Budding, Jeroen W Bos, Kim Dijkxhoorn, Elisabeth de Zeeuw, Lauri M Bloemenkamp, Eva M Zekveld, Ewout J N Groen, Bart C Jacobs, Ruth Huizinga, H Stephan Goedee, Elisabeth A Cats, Jeanette H W Leusen, Leonard H van den Berg, C Erik Hack, W Ludo van der Pol
Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2024, vol. 21
The emerging spectrum of neurodevelopmental comorbidities in early-onset Spinal Muscular Atrophy Giovanni Baranello, Susana Quijano Roy, Laurent Servais, Francina Munell, Mireia Alvarez Molinero, Daniel Natera de Benito, Andres Nascimento, David Gomez-Andres, Laura Costa Comellas, Jessica Exposito, Eduardo F. Tizzano, Inge Cuppen, Ludo Van der Pol, Alberto Aleman, Hanns Lochmuller, Hugh McMillan, Janbernd Kirschner, Cornelia Müller, Maryam Oskoui, Riccardo Masson, Claudio Bruno, Hernan D. Gonorazky, Carolina Tesi-Rocha, Amanda Marie Yaworski, Edmar Zanoteli, Rodrigo Mendonca, Adele D'Amico, Francesca Cumbo, Michele Tosi, Marika Pane, Eugenio Mercuri, Flavia Nardes, Alexandra Prufer, Brenda Klemm Arci, Samuel Ignacio Pascual, Aviva Fattal-Valevski, Liesbeth De Waele, Nicolas Deconinck, Michelle Farrar, Jana Haberlova, Marta Gomez-Garcia de la Banda, Anne Marie Childs, Cristina Martos, Elizabeth Wraige, Vasantha Gowda, Marjorie Illingworth, Min Ong, Anirban Majundar, Imelda Hughes, Krupa Torne,
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2024, vol. 48, p.67-68