Profile photo Lucas Kaaij

Lucas Kaaij

Assistant Professor

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Research groups

Genome and chromatin organization

Research aim

Our research focusses on understanding how cells with the same genetic material can give rise to a multicellular organism containing numerous different cell types with highly specific functions.

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Recent publications

ChAHP2 and ChAHP control diverse retrotransposons by complementary activities Josip Ahel, Aparna Pandey, Michaela Schwaiger, Fabio Mohn, Anja Basters, Georg Kempf, Aude Andriollo, Lucas Kaaij, Daniel Hess, Marc Bühler
Genes and Development, 2024, vol. 38, p.554-568
guidedNOMe-seq quantifies chromatin states at single allele resolution for hundreds of custom regions in parallel Michaela Schwaiger, Fabio Mohn, Marc Bühler, Lucas J.T. Kaaij
BMC Genomics, 2024, vol. 25
Enhancers reside in a unique epigenetic environment during early zebrafish development Lucas J T Kaaij, Michal Mokry, Meng Zhou, Michael Musheev, Geert Geeven, Adrien S J Melquiond, António M de Jesus Domingues, Wouter de Laat, Christof Niehrs, Andrew D Smith, René F Ketting
Genome Biology, 2016, vol. 17
PID-1 is a novel factor that operates during 21U-RNA biogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans Bruno F M de Albuquerque, Maartje J Luteijn, Ricardo J Cordeiro Rodrigues, Petra van Bergeijk, Selma Waaijers, Lucas J T Kaaij, Holger Klein, Mike Boxem, René F Ketting
Genes and Development, 2014, vol. 28, p.683-688
piRNA dynamics in divergent zebrafish strains reveal long-lasting maternal influence on zygotic piRNA profiles L.J.T. Kaaij, S.W. Hoogstrate, E. Berezikov, R.F. Ketting
RNA, 2013, vol. 19, p.345-56
DNA methylation dynamics during intestinal stem cell differentiation reveals enhancers driving gene expression in the villus Lucas T J Kaaij, Marc van de Wetering, Fang Fang, Benjamin Decato, Antoine Molaro, Harmen J G van de Werken, Johan H van Es, Jurian Schuijers, Elzo de Wit, Wouter de Laat, Gregory J Hannon, Hans C Clevers, Andrew D Smith, René F Ketting
Genome Biology, 2013, vol. 14, p.R50