Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Lisette Schoonhoven is the chair of Nursing Science and programme lead of the Master of Nursing Science at University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands. Her research focusses on quality and safety of nursing care and implementation. Lisette also holds a visiting appointment as professor of Nursing at the University of Southampton, UK.
Research aim
Our mission is to innovate and improve nursing care. Our solutions help patients optimize their health, independence and well-being across care settings.
Go to grouplid Beraadsgroep Gezondheidsraad - toetsen conceptversies van adviezen Gezondheidsraad - Gezondheidsraad
Chair of supervisory board Stichting O&I de Bilt - Chair meetings, supervise board - Stichting O&I de Bilt
member editorial board International Journal of Nursing Studies - review papers - International Journal of Nursing Studies
Member Kwaliteitsraad (Quality Council) of Zorginstituut Nederland (National Health Care Institute) - Gevraagd en ongevraagd advies aan het Zorginstituut en wettelijke rol in de doorzettingsmacht - Zorginstituut Nederland
chair scientific committee - voorzitten wetenschapscie, stimuleren onderzoek in de ambulancezorg - Ambulancezorg Nederland
visiting Professor of Nursing - publiceren artikelen, examineren PhD kandidaten, onderzoek mee aanvragen - University of Southampton
Fellow European Academy of Nursing Science - contribute to summerschool - European Academy of Nursing Science