Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Susanne Lens is professor of Genomic Instability at the Center of Molecular Medicine (CMM) of the University Medical Center Utrecht, Principal Investigator of Oncode Institute, and director of the PhD program Clinical and Translational Oncology (CTO) of the Graduate School of Life Sciences, Utrecht University. She obtained a master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Leiden in 1993, and her PhD in Immunology from the University of Amsterdam in 1998. In that same year she was awarded a KWF young investigator fellowship to perform her postdoctoral work on apoptosis inhibitors in cancer in the lab of Jürg Tschopp at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). In 2001 her research focus shifted from immunology and death receptor signaling, to understanding faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis (at the Netherlands Cancer Institute). She obtained a NWO-Vidi grant in 2005, and a NWO-Vici grant in 2011 for her research on chromosomal (in)stability and the chromosomal passenger complex. Since 2013 she is a full professor of the UMCU and UU and in 2017 she became a Principal Investigator of Oncode Institute.
Research aim
Understanding the molecular mechanisms that ensure error-free propagation of the genome during cell division and revealing the causes and consequences of chromosomal instability and aneuploidy in cancer.
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Chair programme committee NWO Life 2022 - Wetenschap - NWO
Member programme committee NWO Life 2020 - Wetenschap - NWO
Organizer EMBO workshop CHROMO2013 - Organizer EMBO workshop on Chromosome segregation and aneuploidy - EMBO