Profile photo Laura Hondebrink

Laura Hondebrink

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


I have over 10 years experience as a European registered toxicologist, with a focus on research in neurotoxicity and clinical toxicology. What I like most, is working on research projects that have an impact on society.

My research focuses primarily on poisonings with psychoactive substances via observational human studies. In clinical toxicology, such data are often the sole source of information. Also, such data is valuable to protect public health and develop policy strategies.

Specialities: research, clinical toxicology, neurotoxicology, risk assessment, drugs (MDMA, novel psychoactive substances (NPS), nitrous oxide)

Skills: analytical, project coordination, perseverance, well-organized and structured.

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

High Incidence of Signs of Neuropathy and Self-Reported Substance Use Disorder for Nitrous Oxide in Patients Intoxicated with Nitrous Oxide Johanna J Nugteren-Van Lonkhuyzen, Lot van der Ben, Irma S van den Hengel-Koot, Dylan W de Lange, Antoinette J H P van Riel, Laura Hondebrink
European Addiction Research, 2023, vol. 29, p.202-212
Alarming increase in poisonings from recreational nitrous oxide use after a change in EU-legislation, inquiries to the Dutch Poisons Information Center Antoinette van Riel, C C Hunault, I S van den Hengel-Koot, Annette Nugteren-van Lonkhuyzen, D W de Lange, L Hondebrink
The International journal on drug policy, 2022, vol. 100, p.1-4
3-Methylmethcathinone (3-MMC) Poisonings Johanna J Nugteren-van Lonkhuyzen, Sharon Essink, Saskia J Rietjens, Dana Ohana, Dylan W de Lange, Antoinette J H P van Riel, Laura Hondebrink
Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2022, vol. 80, p.203-212
Toenemend aantal gezondheidsincidenten met partydrug 3-MMC Prof.dr. D.W. (Dylan) de Lange, Annette Nugteren-van Lonkhuyzen, Eric Franssen, Antoinette van Riel, Laura Hondebrink
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 2021, vol. 156, p.18-20
Combining ecstasy and ethanol: higher risk for toxicity? A review Eefje Vercoulen, Laura Hondebrink
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2021, vol. 51, p.1-14
The impact of the first wave of COVID-19 on Poison Centre (PC) activities in 4 European countries: a pilot study Laura Hondebrink, Katrin Faber, Mark Zammit, Lotte C. G. Hoegberg, Davide Lonati
Clinical Toxicology, 2021, vol. 59, p.542-542

External positions

Expert for Risk assessment of new pyschoactive substances - Risk assessment of new psychoactive substances, met een focus op toxicologie. - EUDA Europen Drug Agency

Penningmeester - Begroting, jaarrekening maken / controleren, facturen versturen, sponsoren aanschrijven, lid LOC - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toxicologie