Profile photo Lars de Vreugd

Lars de Vreugd

Assistant Professor

Recent publications

Learning Analytics Dashboard Design and Evaluation to Support Student Self-Regulation of Study Behaviour Lars de Vreugd, Anouschka van Leeuwen, Renée Jansen, Marieke van der Schaaf
Journal of Learning Analytics, 2024, vol. 11, p.249-262
The role of reference frames in learners’ internal feedback generation with a learning analytics dashboard Lars de Vreugd, Renée Jansen, Anouschka van Leeuwen, Marieke van der Schaaf
Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2023, vol. 79, p.1-11
Receiving Feedback Is Not Easy! Six Common Pitfalls Claudia J M Tielemans, Charlotte M C L Eijkelboom, Marije Lesterhuis, Lars B de Vreugd, Helena J M Pennings, Renske A M de Kleijn
Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2022, vol. 98, p.647
Assessing social configurations in teacher learning groups the Dimensions of Social Learning Questionnaire Emmy Vrieling, Lars de Vreugd
Journal of Education for Teaching, 2022, vol. 49, p.521-533
Tutors' deliberations for implementing a Learning Analytics Dashboard in the educational context Lars de Vreugd, Marieke van der Schaaf, Renée Jansen, Anouschka van Leeuwen, Anouk Pouwels
Supporting Study Behavior with the THERMOS Learning Analytics Dashboard Lars de Vreugd, Marieke van der Schaaf, Renée Jansen, Anouschka van Leeuwen
2021, p.15 - 18