Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kuball received his medical degree as hematologists at the University of Mainz, Germany, and was further trained at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA, USA. Prof. Kuball joined the Department of Hematology at the University Medical Center in Utrecht in The Netherlands in 2007 as hematologists and immunologist. He became a VIDI-laureate in 2010 and chairs the section applied & tumor-immunology within the laboratory of translation immunology. Since 2013 he is chairing the Department of Hematology (adults). His clinical activities are focusing on treating patients with hematological malignancies including stem cell transplantation. His clinical-translational efforts and patient care are driven by his role as Director of the Bone Marrow Transplantation Program at the University Medical Center Utrecht, as well as active membership of the leukemia working party and stem cell working party of HOVON. His current laboratory activities are focusing on the understanding of innate immune cells and their receptors to recognize malignant cells and virally infected cells as well as the genetic engineering of a transplant.
For more information on experimental and translational research please visit Kuball Laboratories
Research aim
Our research aims to revolutionise cancer treatment by advancing innovative immunotherapies, ensuring safer, more effective therapies, and improving patient outcomes, ultimately transforming lives through cutting-edge translational cancer research.
Go to groupAmerican Association of Cancer Research-GlaxoSmithKline Scholar in Cancer Research Award (2001)
Stipendiat der Deutschen Krebshilfe (2005-2007)
Team Science recognition award of the „Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer“ to Jürgen Kuball and the University of Washington, USA (2010)
VIDI-Laureate ZonMW, The Netherlands (2010)
aandeelhouder - shareholder via Gadeta Founders - Century Therapeutics & Adeta
Chair - Chairing - Immunology Community Life Science
Secretary team member - bestuurslid - GoCART Coalition (EBMT/EHA)
Inkomsten licentie - Onderzoek - UMCU Holding
Commissie lid PPS commissie - grant indieningen voor KWF beoordelen - KWF
aandeelhouder - Receiving revenues from licensed patents via UMCU - UMC Holding
Chair legal and rgulatory affairs committee - Chair - EBMT
grant - grant ontvangen voor onderzoek - Novartis
Onderzoeker - grant ontvangen voor onderzoek - Miltenyi
bestuurslid - member general Board - HOVON
Patent holder multipe inventions licensed to Gadeta-follow up company Century Therapeuitcs &Miltenyi - Patent houder - Various