Profile photo Miriam Koopman

Miriam Koopman

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Associations between low- and high-fat dairy intake and recurrence risk in people with stage I-III colorectal cancer differ by sex and primary tumour location Anne-Sophie van Lanen, Dieuwertje E Kok, Evertine Wesselink, Jeroen W G Derksen, Anne M May, Karel C Smit, Miriam Koopman, Johannes de Wilt, Ellen Kampman, Fränzel J B van Duijnhoven,
International Journal of Cancer, 2024, vol. 155, p.828-838
Harnessing the Potential of Real-World Evidence in the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Sietske C M W van Nassau, Guus M Bol, Frederieke H van der Baan, Jeanine M L Roodhart, Geraldine R Vink, Cornelis J A Punt, Anne M May, Miriam Koopman, Jeroen W G Derksen
Current treatment options in oncology, 2024, vol. 25, p.405-426
Trastuzumab deruxtecan in HER2-positive metastatic colorectal cancer Jeanine M.L. Roodhart, Miriam Koopman
The Lancet Oncology, 2024, vol. 25, p.1104-1105
Discovering novel germline genetic variants linked to severe fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity in- and outside DPYD Jonathan E. Knikman, Qinglian Zhai, Carin A.T.C. Lunenburg, Linda M. Henricks, Stefan Böhringer, Maaike van der Lee, Femke M. de Man, Steven M. Offer, Shikshya Shrestha, Geert Jan Creemers, Arnold Baars, Vincent O. Dezentjé, Alexander L.T. Imholz, Frank J.F. Jeurissen, Johanna E.A. Portielje, Rob L.H. Jansen, Paul Hamberg, Helga J. Droogendijk, Miriam Koopman, Peter Nieboer, Marlène H.W. van de Poel, Caroline M.P.W. Mandigers, Ron H.N. van Schaik, Hans Gelderblom, Ron H.J. Mathijssen, Jan H.M. Schellens, Annemieke Cats, Henk Jan Guchelaar, Jesse J. Swen
Genome Medicine, 2024, vol. 16
Results from the UNITED study M. Polack, M. A. Smit, G. W. van Pelt, A. G.H. Roodvoets, E. Meershoek-Klein Kranenbarg, Hein Putter, H. Gelderblom, A. S.L.P. Crobach, V. Terpstra, G. Petrushevska, G. Gašljević, S. Kjær-Frifeldt, E. M.V. de Cuba, N. W.J. Bulkmans, Geraldine R. Vink, R. Al Dieri, R. A.E.M. Tollenaar, J. H.J.M. van Krieken, W. E. Mesker, Gordana Petrushevska, Magdalena Bogdanovska, Panche Zdravkoski, Svetozar Antovic, Darko Dzambaz, Panche Karagjozov, Erienne M.V. de Cuba, Frédérique Beverdam, Jan Jansen, Maarten Vermaas, Gorana Gašljević, Sanne Kjær-Frifeldt, Jan Lindebjerg, Maud Strous, Jeroen F. Vogelaar, Nicole W.J. Bulkmans, Joop van Baarlen, Leonie Mekenkamp, Ronald Hoekstra, Mark Sie, Miriam Cuatrecasas, Sara Simonetti, María Teresa Rodrigo, Iván Archilla Sanz, Jose Guerrero Pineda, Miangela M. Lacle, Miriam Koopman, Jan Willem T. Dekker, René Arensman, M. Polack,
ESMO open, 2024, vol. 9
Prognostic value of liver metastases in colorectal cancer treated by systemic therapy Romain Cohen, Morteza Raeisi, Benoist Chibaudel, Qian Shi, Takayuki Yoshino, John R. Zalcberg, Richard Adams, Chiara Cremolini, Eric Van Cutsem, Volker Heinemann, Josep Tabernero, Cornelis J.A. Punt, Dirk Arnold, Herbert I. Hurwitz, Jean Yves Douillard, Alan P. Venook, Leonard B. Saltz, Timothy S. Maughan, Fairooz Kabbinavar, Carsten Bokemeyer, Axel Grothey, Robert J. Mayer, Richard Kaplan, Niall C. Tebbutt, J. Randolph Hecht, Bruce J. Giantonio, Eduardo Díaz-Rubio, Alberto F. Sobrero, Marc Peeters, Miriam Koopman, Richard M. Goldberg, Thierry Andre, Aimery de Gramont
European Journal of Cancer, 2024, vol. 207

External positions

Member of the Quality Committee - lid - NVMO

Board member - lid - Onconext

Member of the data science and cohorts boards - lid - UMC Utrecht

Vice-chair/secretary of the Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group - vicevoorzitter/secretaris - DCCG

Chair of newly established RWD and digital health working group - voorzitter - ESMO

Faculty member for the Gastro-Intestinal Tumours-colorectal - lid - ESMO

Chair of expertise group colorectal Cancer 'uitkomstgerichte zorg' - voorzitter - FMS

Chair of workpackage 'well defined patient cohorts' of the national growth fund grant application - voorzitter - Oncode accelerator

Leading member of the Health sciences group - lid - NWO-GWI

Expert member of committee 'regie op registers dure geneesmiddelen' - lid - Zorginstituut NL

CRC expert on platform for answering online CRC questions - expert op basis van vraag/antwoord -

Participant in the international collaboration of ARCAD - Participant, integrating patient-level data - ARCAD

founder and PI of the Dutch Prospective CRC cohort study - founder and PI - PLCRC