Associate Professor
Strategic program(s):
Edward Knol is a biomedical scientist and immunologist in the departments of Immunology and Dermatology/Allergology at the University Medical Center Utrecht. He did his PhD training in the Blood Transfusion Service of the University of Amsterdam and had a postdoc position at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. His scientific research focuses on allergic diseases, in particularly eczema and food allergy. The research focusses on 1) improved insights in pathomechanisms, 2) explore new treatment options, 3) improve current diagnostics and establish new diagnostics platforms. In his career Edward Knol discovered CD63 as the basophil activation marker, described the important role of the peanut allergen Ara h 2 and described A20/TNFAIP3 dysregulation in atopic dermatitis. He is involved in several (inter)national collaborations and is Secretary General of the Dutch Society of Immunology (~1400 members).
Within the University Medical Center he holds a teaching position and chairs the education committee of the University Utrecht graduate school Immunity and Infection (50 master and 170 PhD students). He is coordinator and examiner of: 1) Course Clinical Immunology for 3rd years students Biomedical Sciences, 2) Course Immune Therapy for 2nd years student Medicine and 3) Course Infection and Immunity for 3rd years Students at the Technical University Eindhoven.
At the international level Edward Knol has organised 3 European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Winter schools and was the chair of the Scientific Program Committee of the EAACI annual meetings in 2014-2016. In addition, since 2019 he is Vice President Congresses of EAACI.
Specialties: Immunology, Allergy, Food Allergy, Atopic Dermatitis, Basophilic granulocytes, T lymphocytes, allergy diagnostic tests, basophil activation test
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Scopus H-factor: h-index: 51
Research gate: h-index: 54, : RG score: 46,95
Google Scholar: h-index: 60