Profile photo Judith Klumperman

Judith Klumperman

Full Professor


Since 2001 Judith Klumperman is professor of Cell Biology and since 2008 chair of the Department of Cell Biology at the UMC Utrecht. She is also head of the Cell Microscopy Core of the UMC Utrecht, which is widely recognized as one of the best expertise centers in the world for immuno-electron microscopy. On a yearly basis the UMC Utrechts trains and assist over 40 scientists from the Netherlands and 15-20 international guests.She is often asked for expert microscopy advise and participate(d) in a large number of international collaborations.

Her research focus on understanding the molecular basis of human diseases, with an emphasis on diseases of the endo-lysosomal system. Diseases specifically addressed in my work are: Lysosomal storage disorders (Pompe disease; Mucolipidosis II/I-Cell disease) – Alzheimer disease – Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome (pigmentation bleeding disorder) - Cancer – virus and bacterial infections – ARC syndrome –Microvillar inclusion Disease. In addition, her work has elucidated fundamental concepts of endosome and lysosome biogenesis, of which the most recent finding is a novel pathway for the delivery of lysosomal membrane proteins to the lysosomes.

Research groups

Advanced microscopy and organelle dynamics

Research aim

We aim to comprehend the complex process of lysosome biogenesis in health and disease. Advancing our understanding holds promise for novel treatments of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases

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Recent publications

Impaired LAIR-1-mediated immune control due to collagen degradation in fibrosis Tiago Carvalheiro, Wioleta Marut, M. Inês Pascoal Ramos, Samuel García, Devan Fleury, Alsya J. Affandi, Aniek S. Meijers, Barbara Giovannone, Ralph G. Tieland, Eline Elshof, Andrea Ottria, Marta Cossu, Matthew L. Meizlish, Tineke Veenendaal, Meera Ramanujam, Miguel E. Moreno-García, Judith Klumperman, Nalan Liv, Timothy R.D.J. Radstake, Linde Meyaard
Journal of Autoimmunity, 2024, vol. 146
A suite of genome-engineered hepatic cells provides novel insights into the spatiotemporal metabolism of apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein secretion Amber Meurs, Klevis Ndoj, Marlene van den Berg, Goran Marinković, Matteo Tantucci, Tineke Veenendaal, Jan Albert Kuivenhoven, Judith Klumperman, Noam Zelcer
Cardiovascular research, 2024, vol. 120, p.1253-1264
Loss of the HOPS complex disrupts early-to-late endosome transition, impairs endosomal recycling and induces accumulation of amphisomes Jan van der Beek, Cilia de Heus, Paolo Sanza, Nalan Liv, Judith Klumperman
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2024, vol. 35
Mechanism and regulation of cargo entry into the Commander endosomal recycling pathway Rebeka Butkovič, Alexander P Walker, Michael D Healy, Kerrie E McNally, Meihan Liu, Tineke Veenendaal, Kohji Kato, Nalan Liv, Judith Klumperman, Brett M Collins, Peter J Cullen
Nature Communications, 2024, vol. 15
The lysosomal lipid transporter LIMP-2/SCARB2 is part of lysosome-endoplasmic reticulum STARD3-VAPB-dependent contact sites Sönke Rudnik, Saskia Heybrock, Etienne Coyaud, Zizhen Xu, Dante Neculai, Brian Raught, Viola Oorschot, Cecilia Heus, Judith Klumperman, Paul Saftig
Journal of cell science, 2024, vol. 137
Apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1) renal risk variant-mediated podocyte cytotoxicity depends on African haplotype and surface expression Nidhi Gupta, Bridget Waas, Daniel Austin, Ann M De Mazière, Pekka Kujala, Amy D Stockwell, Tianbo Li, Brian L Yaspan, Judith Klumperman, Suzie J Scales
Scientific Reports, 2024, vol. 14, p.1-16

Fellowships & Awards

2007: 20th Foundation lecture, Center for Cell and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India.

2004: VICI Award (1.25M€) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

1998: UMC Utrecht award: Attraction and maintenance of female talent.

External positions

Voorzitter van bestuur - Organisatie Elektronen Microscopie in Nederland - NEMI - Netherlands Electron Microscopy Infrastructure

Organisatie Elektronen Microscopie in Utrecht - Onderzoeken m.b.v. elektronen microscopie - Utrecht University, Steering Committee EM Square

Bestuurslid. - Toekomst Electronen Microscopie in Utrecht veilig stellen. - Steering Committee EM Square, UU

Geven van lezingen op congressen - Kennisoverdracht eigen onderzoeken - Diversen

Review voor wetenschappelijke tijdschriften - kennis op gebied van Celbiologie, microscopie etc. - Diversen

Als 'gaste' editor van het tijdschrift - Celbiologie - Scientific Journal 'Cell Biology'

Deelnemen aan PhD promotie commissies als voorzitter of commissielid - kennisoverdracht, niveau academici bewaken. - Nationale en internationale universiteiten

Lid van Bestuur - opleidings gerelateerd - UU IB – Institute and graduate school of Biomembranes

Board member of Biomembranes - Stimulate the Phd program - Institute of 'Biomembranes'

Grant reviewer - Voor diverse bladen (NWO, KWF, EMBO, Wellcome Trust, Medical Researh Council, KNAW, Telethon) - Grant reviewer voor diverse bladen: NWO, EMBO, KWF, Well

Reviewer for different Scientific magazines - Assess whether the articles can be published. - Science organisations in general