Full Professor
Manon Kluijtmans is professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht, where she holds the chair 'Education to Connect Science and Professional Practice'. As part of her education focussed chair she holds several positions at Utrecht University: a.o. Vice-rector Teaching and Learning, Academic Director of the Centre for Academic Teaching, and chair of the focus area Higher Education Research.
Her research focuses on two main topics:
Manon has a specific interest in the theoretical perspectives of professional identity development and boundary crossing. A central question in her research is how to educate dual professionals to be brokers between different fields. She is a teacher in the MSc programme Clinical Health Sciences as well as in various advanced teacher-development programmes. Among other, she is involved in the UU-broad Educational Leadership Programme and Senior Fellow Programme, the UMCU-based Teaching Scholars Program, and the international IMEX programme.
Research aim
We aim to develop adaptive, creative, responsible future health professionals by investigating learning in education and at workplaces. This leads to evidence-informed education and innovations that foster the health domain.
Go to groupMember Reviewboard Funding Initiative 'Advanced Clinician Scientists' - beoordelen grants - German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Member External Review Panel (ERP) for the NUS Educator Track - Evaluation of appointments/promotrions to Associate Professor on the NUS Educator Track - National University of Singapore
Extern lid Borgingscommissie Onderwijskwaliteit - Risicoscreening, opstellen hersteltrajecten, en in uiterste geval voorstel stopzetting opleiding - KU Leuven
Chair of the LERU Learning and Teaching Policy group - Peer exchange, strategical collaboration and political lobby - League of European Research Universities (LERU)
Chair focusarea Higher Education Research - Bevorderen HO onderzoek dmv grants, kennisdeling, netwerken en versterken infrastructuur - Universiteit Utrecht
Vice-Rector Onderwijs - Representing Utrecht University in international networks, in particular on Teaching & Learning - Universiteit Utrecht