Profile photo Kitty Bloemenkamp

Kitty Bloemenkamp

Full Professor

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Professor Kitty W.M. Bloemenkamp is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist and Chair Birth Centre, Wilhelmina’s Children Hospital, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands.


Her Residency training programme in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine was followed in Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden (1997-2002).  Her PhD Thesis: "Oral contraceptives, venous thrombosis and the role of coagulation defects" was at the department of  Clinical Epidemiology. Thereafter she became a Fellow Maternal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine at University College Hospitals, London, United Kingdom (2003). She was appointed as a maternal fetal medicine specialist at the department of Obstetrics of Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) (2004-2015).

Her main research interest is “Maternal Health” globally, the health of a woman throughout her (reproductive) lifecycle is investigated.  From preconception, complicated (early) pregnancy, towards delivery, postpartum and consequences of these complications later in life. Especially maternal mortality and morbidity. With special interest in PPH, Covid 19 in pregnancy, maternal vaccination and induction of labour. She has been involved in designing, conducting, analysing and writing articles in several national and international research projects in the field of Obstetrics. Resulting in more than 200 publications in important medical journals. She is at present and has been Principal Investigator of several RCTs, case control, cohortstudies and experimental studies in the field of Maternal Health.


She is the Chairman of Nethoss (Netherlands Obstetric Survey Study, nationwide ongoing registration study), Audit Committee of Maternal Mortality, Netherlands and of INOSS (International Network of Obstetric Survey Systems). She works in close collaboration with the Julius Centre of the UMCU. In these networks she collaborates with many different stakeholders in LMICs and High income countries in order to improve the quality of care for mothers and their newborns by introduction of populationbased registrationsystems,  audit of maternal morbidity and mortality. Implementation of lessons learned into guidelines who are implemented by a bottom up approach. With the support of the UMCU Global Health Grants she is able to help LMICS with capacity building by supervising PhD fellows from LMICs.

Research groups

Global maternal health

Research aim

The global maternal health group contributes through research, education and healthcare to better health outcomes for mothers and their infants worldwide.

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Recent publications

Respiratory syncytial virus vaccination during pregnancy for improving infant outcomes Emily Phijffer, Odette de Bruin, Joanne G. Wildenbeest, Louis J. Bont, Miriam C.J.M. Sturkenboom, Nicoline A.T. Van der Maas, Fariba Ahmadizar, Kitty W.M. Bloemenkamp
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2024, vol. 2022
Impact of antenatal care on severe maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and eclampsia in Ghana Titus K Beyuo, Emma R Lawrence, Samuel A Oppong, Emily K Kobernik, Mary Amoakoh-Coleman, Diederick E Grobbee, Joyce L Browne, K W M Bloemenkamp
Pregnancy Hypertension, 2023, vol. 33, p.46-51
Exploring the shared decision making process of caesarean sections at a teaching hospital in Ghana Kwaku Asah-Opoku, Aisha N Onisarotu, Mercy A Nuamah, Elena Syurina, Kitty Bloemenkamp, Joyce L Browne, Marcus J Rijken
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2023, vol. 23
Pregnancy associated hypertensive disorders and risk of cardiovascular disease Lena Tschiderer, Yvonne T. van der Schouw, N. Charlotte Onland-Moret, Kitty Wm Bloemenkamp, Lisa Seekircher, Stephen Burgess, Peter Willeit, Sanne A E Peters
European heart journal, 2023, vol. 44
The severity of chronic histiocytic intervillositis is associated with gestational age and fetal weight M. Bos, M. J.M. Koenders, K. L. Dijkstra, L. E. van der Meeren, P. G.J. Nikkels, K. W.M. Bloemenkamp, M. Eikmans, H. J. Baelde, M. L.P. van der Hoorn
Placenta, 2023, vol. 131, p.28-35
Incidence, Indications, Risk Factors, and Outcomes of Emergency Peripartum Hysterectomy Worldwide Athanasios F. Kallianidis, Douwe Rijntjes, Carolien Brobbel, Olaf M. Dekkers, Kitty W.M. Bloemenkamp, Thomas Van Den Akker
Obstetrics and gynecology, 2023, vol. 141, p.35-48

Fellowships & Awards

2023: nomination best Graduation of life sciences (GSLS) supervisor of the year

2023: Nomination White Ribbon Award Netherlands

External positions

Chair of Audit Committee of Maternal Mortality (Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths) of the Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,(NVOG) (Chair since dec 2016).

Chair INOSS (International Network of Obstetric Survey Systems), an international network of obstetric surveillance systems. Chair since januari 2015.

Initiator and Chair Nethoss (Netherlands Obstetric Surveillance Systems. nationwide ongoing registration system of maternal mortality, severe maternal morbidity and rare diseases in pregnancy), Netherlands.

Secretary/Member of the scientific committee of the Dutch Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics (NVOG).

Member Dutch Society of Perinatal Medicine (Koepel Foetomaternale Geneeskunde). Dutch Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics (NVOG).

Chair/Member of Working party on Contraception. Dutch Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (NVOG)

Member International Society of Obstetric Medicine. ISOM.

Member Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology NVOG