Full Professor
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Professor Kitty W.M. Bloemenkamp is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist and Chair Birth Centre, Wilhelmina’s Children Hospital, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Her Residency training programme in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine was followed in Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden (1997-2002). Her PhD Thesis: "Oral contraceptives, venous thrombosis and the role of coagulation defects" was at the department of Clinical Epidemiology. Thereafter she became a Fellow Maternal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine at University College Hospitals, London, United Kingdom (2003). She was appointed as a maternal fetal medicine specialist at the department of Obstetrics of Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) (2004-2015).
Her main research interest is “Maternal Health” globally, the health of a woman throughout her (reproductive) lifecycle is investigated. From preconception, complicated (early) pregnancy, towards delivery, postpartum and consequences of these complications later in life. Especially maternal mortality and morbidity. With special interest in PPH, Covid 19 in pregnancy, maternal vaccination and induction of labour. She has been involved in designing, conducting, analysing and writing articles in several national and international research projects in the field of Obstetrics. Resulting in more than 200 publications in important medical journals. She is at present and has been Principal Investigator of several RCTs, case control, cohortstudies and experimental studies in the field of Maternal Health.
She is the Chairman of Nethoss (Netherlands Obstetric Survey Study, nationwide ongoing registration study), Audit Committee of Maternal Mortality, Netherlands and of INOSS (International Network of Obstetric Survey Systems). She works in close collaboration with the Julius Centre of the UMCU. In these networks she collaborates with many different stakeholders in LMICs and High income countries in order to improve the quality of care for mothers and their newborns by introduction of populationbased registrationsystems, audit of maternal morbidity and mortality. Implementation of lessons learned into guidelines who are implemented by a bottom up approach. With the support of the UMCU Global Health Grants she is able to help LMICS with capacity building by supervising PhD fellows from LMICs.
Research aim
The global maternal health group contributes through research, education and healthcare to better health outcomes for mothers and their infants worldwide.
Go to groupResearch funding obtained in the past five years
Member Board Dutch Consortium for Healthcare Evaluation and Research in Obstetrics and Gynecology - NVOG Consortium 2.0 (2003-2014), in which several large randomised controlled trials (grants from ZON MW) are completed (Hypitat, Digitat, STAN, Amphia, Ppromexil, Womb, Truffle, Apostel II, Probaat, Hypitat II, Hyras, Allopurinol, Totem, Hypitat II, Apostel I,II,III Protwin). And running Apostel VI, Glucomoms, Index etc. See http: http://www.studies -obsgyn.nl/home/page.asp?page_id=354.
External research funding obtained in international or national competition as principal applicant
- 7 Global health UMC Utrecht Global Health Support Program (35000 Euro each)
- Merel Stichting. 50000 Euro for integration of Nethoss with Perined.
- Induction of labour in hospital with a Foley catheter or oral misoprostol versus induction of labour at home with a Foley catheter or oral misoprostol (PROBAAT-III): a multicentre randomised controlled non-inferiority trial with cost-effectiveness analysis. ZonMW 80-85200-98-91053. 500.800 Euro
-Matisse Study A phase 3, Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of a Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Prefusion F Subunit Vaccine in Infants Born to Women Vaccinated during Pregnancy. Sponsored by Pfizer. Budget 500000-800000 Euro. 40000 Euro start up fee and around 5000 Euro per enrolled patient. Aim to include at least 100 pregnant women in 2 years.
- KA 107 Grants
KA Erasmus mobility staff research and teaching 2018-2020 Ghana and Suriname. Individual 2018-2020 each year 2500 Euro’s per country. Whole team 10000-20000 Euro’s per country per year
External research funding obtained in international or national competition as co-applicant
-EMA(European Medicines Agency); Consign Project (COVID-19 infectiOn aNd medicineS In preGNancy) Impact of COVID -19 in pregnancy 500000 Euro. In order to guide decision-making about vaccine indications, vaccination policies, and treatment options for COVID-19 disease in pregnancy. University of Utrecht (Prof O. Klungel) and UMCU (Prof M. Sturkenboom). Collaboration Conception network, COVI-Preg project and INOSS. WP 3 INOSS: 70000 Euro for IPD Meta analysis COVID 19 in pregnancy .
-Collaborator in IMI funded Conception network , building an ecosystem to assess drug safety in pregnancy and lactation.(Coordinator Prof M Sturkenboom, UMCU, Utrecht) total budget 28 milj Euro’s, more than 50 parties collaborating
- Laerdal Foundation EmONC training in Ethiopia, Mirjam Kleinhout 50.000 Euro 2018
Present Chair Regionaal Covid Overleg Acute Zorg ) - ervoor zorgen opvang verloskundigen patienten in de regio goed geregeld is, vooral tijds Covid - ROAZ traumanetwerk midden Nederland