Kenny Man


Strategic program(s):

Recent publications

Telocytes Bruno D.A. Sanches, Francisco B.S. Teófilo, Mathieu Y. Brunet, Victor M. Villapun, Kenny Man, Lara C. Rocha, Jurandyr Pimentel Neto, Marta R. Matsumoto, Juliana S. Maldarine, Adriano P. Ciena, Sophie C. Cox, Hernandes F. Carvalho
Cell and Tissue Research, 2024, vol. 396, p.141-155
Additively manufactured bioceramic scaffolds based on triply periodic minimal surfaces for bone regeneration Hong Zhu, Jinsi Wang, Shengfa Wang, Yue Yang, Meiyi Chen, Qifei Luan, Xiaochuan Liu, Ziheng Lin, Jiaqi Hu, Kenny Man, Jingying Zhang
Journal of Tissue Engineering, 2024, vol. 15, p.1-15
Improving predictability of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4 V lattices for orthopaedic devices Xue Cao, Luke N. Carter, Kenny Man, Victor M. Villapún, Lucie Giangiorgi, Sophie C. Cox
Materials and Design, 2024, vol. 243
Study on the effect of protein lysine lactylation modification in macrophages on inhibiting periodontitis in rats Xiaochuan Liu, Jinsi Wang, Mo Lao, Fuyu Liu, Hong Zhu, Kenny Man, Jingying Zhang
Journal of periodontology, 2024, vol. 95, p.50-63
Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023) Joshua A. Welsh, Deborah C.I. Goberdhan, Lorraine O’Driscoll, Edit I. Buzas, Cherie Blenkiron, Benedetta Bussolati, Houjian Cai, Dolores Di Vizio, Tom A.P. Driedonks, Uta Erdbrügger, Juan M. Falcon-Perez, Qing Ling Fu, Andrew F. Hill, Metka Lenassi, Sai Kiang Lim, G. Mahoney M˜y, Sujata Mohanty, Andreas Möller, Rienk Nieuwland, Takahiro Ochiya, Susmita Sahoo, Ana C. Torrecilhas, Lei Zheng, Andries Zijlstra, Sarah Abuelreich, Reem Bagabas, Paolo Bergese, Esther M. Bridges, Marco Brucale, Dylan Burger, Randy P. Carney, Emanuele Cocucci, Rossella Crescitelli, Edveena Hanser, Adrian L. Harris, Norman J. Haughey, An Hendrix, Alexander R. Ivanov, Tijana Jovanovic-Talisman, Nicole A. Kruh-Garcia, Bas W.M. van Balkom, Federica Collino, Olivier G. de Jong, Sander A.A. Kooijmans, Magdalena J. Lorenowicz, Kenny Man, Marieke T. Roefs, Raymond M. Schiffelers, Joost P.G. Sluijter, Pieter Vader,
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 2024, vol. 13
Silk scaffolds for tissue engineering in dentistry T. Braxton, K. Man, S. K. Jindal, M. Kiamehr, W. B. Sun, X. B. Yang
2023, p.601-627