Profile photo Karijn Suijkerbuijk

Karijn Suijkerbuijk

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Karijn Suijkerbuijk is a translational medical oncologist with special interest in melanoma and immunotherapy. During her PhD, she performed research on tumor epigenetics in breast cancer in the lab of Professor Saraswati Sukumar at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Suijkerbuijk currently participates in multiple phase II and III clinical trials on immune checkpoint inhibitors. She published papers in Oncogene, Annals of Oncology and JNCI, received research grants from KWF and NWO and was awarded an ASCO Merit Award. Her current research focuses on clinical and immunological parameters assoaciated with immune related adverse events during checkpoint inhibition and clinicopathological factors associated with checkpoint inhibitor response.

Research groups

Molecular and cellular host-microbiota interactions

Research aim

Our research aims to unravel how the products from pathogenic and beneficial bacterial species within the intestinal microbiota contribute to human health and disease.

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Immunotherapy in solid tumors

Research aim

Our research aims at accomplishing cure and good quality of life for more and more patients with metastatic cancer by: - AI-based early identification of (non-)responders to current immunotherapy - new immunotherapies for non-responders - developing strategies to treat immunotherapy toxicity without compromising efficacy

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Recent publications

Gut microbiome and immune checkpoint inhibitor toxicity Rik J Verheijden, Mick J M van Eijs, Fernanda L Paganelli, Marco C Viveen, Malbert R C Rogers, Janetta Top, Anne M May, Janneke H H M van de Wijgert, Karijn P M Suijkerbuijk,
European Journal of Cancer, 2025, vol. 216
Validation of 11 added items of the outpatient version of the Utrecht Symptom Diary in patients receiving chemotherapy or targeted therapy Josephine J Koldenhof, Bernice O Akpobome, Danielle Zweers, Stance Klaasse, Saskia C C M Teunissen, Petronella O Witteveen, Karijn P M Suijkerbuijk, Alexander de Graeff, Frederieke H van der Baan
Journal of patient-reported outcomes, 2024, vol. 8
Next-generation IgA-SEQ allows for high-throughput, anaerobic, and metagenomic assessment of IgA-coated bacteria Merel van Gogh, Jonas M Louwers, Anna Celli, Sanne Gräve, Marco C Viveen, Sofie Bosch, Nanne K H de Boer, Rik J Verheijden, Karijn P M Suijkerbuijk, Eelco C Brand, Janetta Top, Bas Oldenburg, Marcel R de Zoete
Microbiome, 2024, vol. 12
Mechanical HIFU and immune checkpoint inhibition Vera Mekers, Mirjam de Visser, Karijn Suijkerbuijk, Clemens Bos, Chrit Moonen, Roel Deckers, Gosse Adema
International journal of hyperthermia : the official journal of European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology, North American Hyperthermia Group, 2024, vol. 41
Corticosteroids for Immune-Related Adverse Events and Checkpoint Inhibitor Efficacy Rik J Verheijden, Jolien S de Groot, Babs O Fabriek, Miki N Hew, Anne M May, Karijn P M Suijkerbuijk
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2024, vol. 42, p.3713-3724
Adverse Events in Anti-PD-1-Treated Adjuvant and First-Line Advanced Melanoma Patients Daan Jan Willem Rauwerdink, Olivier van Not, Melissa de Meza, Remco van Doorn, Jos van der Hage, A J M van den Eertwegh, John B Haanen, Maureen J B Aarts, Franchette W P J van den Berkmortel, Christiaan U Blank, Marye J Boers-Sonderen, Jan Willem B de Groot, Geke A P Hospers, Djura Piersma, Rozemarijn S van Rijn, A M Stevense-den Boer, Astrid A M van der Veldt, Gerard Vreugdenhil, Michel W J M Wouters, Karijn P M Suijkerbuijk, Ellen Kapiteijn
Cancers, 2024, vol. 16

Fellowships & Awards

2007  Research year for residents (UU2007-3977) KWF
2008  Translational grant KWF (UU-2008-4217
2008  AGIKO stipend, ZonMW
2008  ASCO Merit Award

2018 ZonMW goed gebruik geneesmiddelen

External positions

research funding Genmab - AI onderzoekssamenwerking in Health Holland project dat door Genmab financieel wordt ondersteund - Genmab

ESMO melanoma faculty - expertise melanoom - European Society for Medical Oncology

Lid real world data working group ESMO - onderzoek patientcohorten - European Society for Medical Oncology

Lid wetenschappelijke adviesraad - ervaring onderzoek - Maarten van der Weijden foundation

Adviesraad stichting melanoom (sinds 2019) - Vanuit expertise als melanoombehandelaar - Stichting melanoom

Lid Data Safety Monitoring Committee CHOPIN studie (vanaf 2020; studie gesponsord door BMS) - onderzoekservaring immuuntherapie - LUMC

Voorzitter wetenschappelijke commissie - Kwaliteitsverbetering en onderzoek op het gebied van melanoomzorg - Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry (DICA)

Adviesgroep kanker in de zwangerschap - Expertise melanoom en immuuntherapie - Adviesgroep kanker in de zwangerschap

Organisatie/voorzitter jaarlijks immuno-oncologie symposium - expertise en onderzoek immuunoncologie - Immuno-oncologie symposium

Bestuurslid Tumorfocusgroep melanoom - expertise melanoom - Tumorfocusgroep melanoom

medisch expert bij melanoom nascholing en congresjournaal ASCO/ESMO - expertise melanoom - Medtalks