Profile photo Jos Malda

Jos Malda

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


  1. Our research group focuses on biofabrication and biomaterials design, in particular for the regeneration of (osteo) chondral defects. We are developing novel biofabriaction strategies, as well and “bioinks” for 3D printing. These hydrogel-based “inks” are both designed to drive specific differentiation of the embedded and/or endogenous cells, as well as to allow fabrication with high shape fidelity in order to generate constructs that are a blueprint of the real tissue. In addition, we are adopting bioreactor technology to mature the generated tissue constructs. Finally, approaches towards the translation of the constructs in veterinary (equine) and human clinics are pursued, including its use as an in vitro platform for testing. 

    Areas of interest 
    - Joint regeneration 
    - Biofabrication 

    - Biomaterial development

    - Bioreactors

    - Extracellular matrix-derived scaffolds 

    - Nutrient limitation 

Research groups

Biofabrication in translational regenerative medicine

Research aim

We focus on biofabrication technologies & regenerative models to create lifelike tissue implants and advanced disease models. We aim to revolutionize treatment options for musculoskeletal injuries and better understanding of tissue health.

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Recent publications

Integration of Melt Electrowritten Polymeric Scaffolds and Bioprinting for Epithelial Healing via Localized Periostin Delivery Nileshkumar Dubey, Maedeh Rahimnejad, W. Benton Swanson, Jinping Xu, Mylène de Ruijter, Jos Malda, Cristiane H. Squarize, Rogerio M. Castilho, Marco C. Bottino
ACS Macro Letters, 2024, vol. 13, p.959-965
Multi-material integration in light-based Volumetric Bioprinting Sammy Florczak, Davide Ribezzi, Marc Falandt, Paulina Bernal, Gabriel Groessbacher, Tina Vermonden, Jos Malda, Riccardo Levato
Non-neotissue constituents as underestimated confounders in the assessment of tissue engineered constructs by near-infrared spectroscopy Omar Anwar Elkadi, Florencia Abinzano, Ervin Nippolainen, Ona Bach González, Riccardo Levato, Jos Malda, Isaac O. Afara
Materials Today Bio, 2024, vol. 24
Accelerated production of human epithelial organoids in a miniaturized spinning bioreactor Shicheng Ye, Ary Marsee, Gilles S van Tienderen, Mohammad Rezaeimoghaddam, Hafsah Sheikh, Roos-Anne Samsom, Eelco J P de Koning, Sabine Fuchs, Monique M A Verstegen, Luc J W van der Laan, Frans van de Vosse, Jos Malda, Keita Ito, Bart Spee, Kerstin Schneeberger
Cell reports methods, 2024, vol. 4
Personalized bioceramic grafts for craniomaxillofacial bone regeneration Ana Beatriz G. de Carvalho, Maedeh Rahimnejad, Rodrigo L.M.S. Oliveira, Prabaha Sikder, Guilherme S.F.A. Saavedra, Sarit B. Bhaduri, Debby Gawlitta, Jos Malda, Darnell Kaigler, Eliandra S. Trichês, Marco C. Bottino
International journal of oral science, 2024, vol. 16
Microstructured silk fiber scaffolds with enhanced stretchability Martina Viola, Gerardo Cedillo-Servin, Anne Metje van Genderen, Isabelle Imhof, Paula Vena, Marko Mihajlovic, Susanna Piluso, Jos Malda, Tina Vermonden, Miguel Castilho
Biomaterials science, 2024, vol. 12, p.5225-5238

Fellowships & Awards

Anna Prize 2017, Anna Foundation and Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging

Nanonica Prize 2015 for the breakthrough of the year in the field of nanotechnology, Nanonica Europe

ERC Consolidator Grant ERC-2014-CoG_647426

NWO Veni FellowshipPrinten van levend kraakbeen