Profile photo Joost van Rosmalen

Joost van Rosmalen

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):


Joost van Rosmalen is a biostatistician and clinical trial methodologist at Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care of UMC Utrecht. His research is focused on the development and application of innovative methods for clinical trials, such as Bayesian adaptive trials, platform trials and trials that incorporate external information. The main area of application for these methods is in infection and immunity.

Research groups

Methods for AI and data science

Research aim

To develop and validate methods for data science, AI, statistics and causal inference and to improve medical research and patient care through impactful applications and collaborations.

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Clinical trial methodology & statistical consultation

Research aim

We develop, evaluate, and apply innovative clinical trial designs and sound statistical methodology to efficiently obtain high-quality evidence on healthcare interventions, ultimately optimizing patient outcomes

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Recent publications

Intermittent intravenous paracetamol versus continuous morphine in infants undergoing cardiothoracic surgery Gerdien Zeilmaker-Roest, Christine de Vries-Rink, Joost van Rosmalen, Monique van Dijk, Saskia N. de Wildt, Catherijne A.J. Knibbe, Erik Koomen, Nicolaas J.G. Jansen, Martin C.J. Kneyber, Sofie Maebe, Greet Van den Berghe, Renata Haghedooren, Dirk Vlasselaers, Ad J.J.C. Bogers, Dick Tibboel, Enno D. Wildschut
Critical Care, 2024, vol. 28
Predicting haemoglobin deferral using machine learning models Amber Meulenbeld, Jarkko Toivonen, Marieke Vinkenoog, Tinus Brits, Ronel Swanevelder, Dorien de Clippel, Veerle Compernolle, Surendra Karki, Marijke Welvaert, Katja van den Hurk, Joost van Rosmalen, Emmanuel Lesaffre, Mart Janssen, Mikko Arvas
Vox Sanguinis, 2024, vol. 119, p.758-763
A review of dynamic borrowing methods with applications in pharmaceutical research Emmanuel Lesaffre, Hongchao Qi, Akalu Banbeta, Joost van Rosmalen
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2024, vol. 38, p.1-31
Development and validation of a condition-specific quality of life instrument for adults with esophageal atresia Chantal A. ten Kate, Nadine M. Teunissen, Joost van Rosmalen, Lieke S. Kamphuis, Michiel P. van Wijk, Maja Joosten, E. Sofie van Tuyll van Serooskerken, René Wijnen, Hanneke IJsselstijn, André B. Rietman, Manon C.W. Spaander,
Diseases of the Esophagus, 2023, vol. 36
Dealing with missing covariates in epidemiologic studies Nicole S. Erler, Dimitris Rizopoulos, Joost van Rosmalen, Vincent W.V. Jaddoe, Oscar H. Franco, Emmanuel M.E.H. Lesaffre
Statistics in Medicine, 2016, vol. 35, p.2955-2974
Practical implications of differential discounting of costs and health effects in cost-effectiveness analysis James O'Mahony, Inge De Kok, Joost Van Rosmalen, J. Dik F. Habbema, Werner Brouwer, Marjolein Van Ballegooijen
Value in Health, 2011, vol. 14, p.1174-1175