Profile photo Jonathan de Wilde

Jonathan de Wilde

PHD Candidate - Medical

Strategic program(s):


Jonathan de Wilde is an MD and currently a PhD candidate within the U-RED Red Blood Cell Research Group of the University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands. During his medical training, he developed an interest in hematology, specifically in hereditary red cell disorders. He successfully completed an internship under supervision of dr. Marije Bartels on iron overload in patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia. After obtaining his medical degree at Utrecht University, he started his PhD under the supervision of dr. Richard van Wijk and dr. Minke Rab. The research focuses on the role of pyruvate kinase in rare anemia. The aim is to unravel the effects of decreased pyruvate kinase activity on red blood cell health, as well as to assess the efficacy of novel treatments that enhance metabolism in defective red cells. He has mentored various master’s and bachelor’s students for their internships, and he presented his work at various (intern)national conferences (e.g., DHC, EHA, ASH and Gordon Red Cell conference). To date, he is a co-author on four peer-reviewed scientific publications, and he has reviewed manuscripts submitted to peer-reviewed journals, such as American Journal of Hematology and Nature Communications. 

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

A novel composition of endogenous metabolic modulators improves red blood cell properties in sickle cell disease Myrthe J van Dijk, Marissa J M Traets, Brigitte A van Oirschot, Titine J J Ruiter, Jonathan R A de Wilde, Jennifer Bos, Wouter W van Solinge, Margaret J Koziel, Judith J M Jans, Revati Wani, Eduard J van Beers, Richard van Wijk, Minke A E Rab
EJHaem, 2024, vol. 5, p.21-32
Activation of pyruvate kinase as therapeutic option for rare hemolytic anemias Myrthe J van Dijk, Jonathan R A de Wilde, Marije Bartels, Kevin H M Kuo, Andreas Glenthøj, Minke A E Rab, Eduard J van Beers, Richard van Wijk
Blood Reviews, 2023, vol. 61
Corrigendum to “Activation of pyruvate kinase as therapeutic option for rare hemolytic anemias Myrthe J. van Dijk, Jonathan R.A. de Wilde, Marije Bartels, Kevin H.M. Kuo, Andreas Glenthøj, Minke A.E. Rab, Eduard J. van Beers, Richard van Wijk
Blood Reviews, 2023, vol. 64
Transfusion burden in early childhood plays an important role in iron overload in Diamond-Blackfan anaemia Jonathan R A de Wilde, Birgit van Dooijeweert, Annelies J van Vuren, Elise J Huisman, Frans J Smiers, Arian van der Veer, Richard van Wijk, Wouter W van Solinge, Edward E S Nieuwenhuis, Eduard J van Beers, Marije Bartels
EJHaem, 2022, vol. 3, p.1300-1304
The interplay between drivers of erythropoiesis and iron homeostasis in rare hereditary anemias Simon Grootendorst, Jonathan de Wilde, Birgit van Dooijeweert, Annelies van Vuren, Wouter van Solinge, Roger Schutgens, Richard van Wijk, Marije Bartels
International journal of molecular sciences, 2021, vol. 22