Profile photo Joep de Bruijne

Joep de Bruijne

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):

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Recent publications

Conventional versus Hepatic Arteriography and C-Arm CT-Guided Ablation of Liver Tumors (HepACAGA) Niek Wijnen, Rutger C G Bruijnen, Evert-Jan P A Vonken, Hugo W A M de Jong, Joep de Bruijne, Guus M Bol, Jeroen Hagendoorn, Martijn P W Intven, Maarten L J Smits
Cancers, 2024, vol. 16
Hepatic Arteriography and C-Arm CT-Guided Ablation (HepACAGA) to Improve Tumor Visualization, Navigation and Margin Confirmation in Percutaneous Liver Tumor Ablation Maarten L.J. Smits, Rutger C.G. Bruijnen, Philip Tetteroo, Evert jan P.A. Vonken, Martijn R. Meijerink, Jeroen Hagendoorn, Joep de Bruijne, Warner Prevoo
Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 2023, vol. 46, p.1365-1374