Profile photo Jet Vonk

Jet Vonk

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


Jet Vonk is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). She received her PhD in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences from the City University of New York Graduate Center, with a focus on neurolinguistics and cognitive science. She also maintains an affiliation with the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Department of Epidemiology, at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, where she is currently obtaining a second PhD in Epidemiology.

Her research focuses on the timing and mechanisms of cognitive decline in relation to aging and dementia using linguistic, neuroimaging, and epidemiological methods. Her overall goal is to investigate the evolution of language use and cognitive decline throughout the course of dementia to help accurate and timely diagnosis, with a focus on Alzheimer’s disease and Primary Progressive Aphasia. Previous work has focused on detecting subtle semantic memory impairment in preclinical dementia, developing novel cognitive markers related to biomarkers and future clinical outcomes, and investigating effects of biological and sociodemographic variables on cognitive and language decline.

Her work is funded by an NWO Talent Programme Veni Grant and NIH K99/R00 Award. A complete list of published peer-reviewed work is available here:

Recent publications

Microvascular Dysfunction and Whole-Brain White Matter Connectivity Magdalena Beran, April C E van Gennip, Coen D A Stehouwer, Jacobus F A Jansen, Monideepa D Gupta, Alfons J H M Houben, Tos T J M Berendschot, Carroll A B Webers, Anke Wesselius, Casper G Schalkwijk, Walter H Backes, Joost J A de Jong, Carla J H van der Kallen, Marleen M J van Greevenbroek, Sebastian Köhler, Jet M J Vonk, Mirjam I Geerlings, Miranda T Schram, Thomas T van Sloten
Journal of the American Heart Association, 2024, vol. 13
Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of Word Production Abilities in Dysfunction of the Basal Ganglia Ileana Camerino, João Ferreira, Jet M. Vonk, Roy P.C. Kessels, Frank Erik de Leeuw, Ardi Roelofs, David Copland, Vitória Piai
Neuropsychology Review, 2024, vol. 34, p.1-26
What Drives Task Performance in Animal Fluency in Individuals Without Dementia? Adrià Rofes, Magdalena Beran, Roel Jonkers, Mirjam I Geerlings, Jet M J Vonk
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2023, vol. 66, p.3473-3485
Semantic item-level metrics relate to future memory decline beyond existing cognitive tests in older adults without dementia Jet M J Vonk, Mirjam I Geerlings, Justina F Avila-Rieger, Carolyn L Qian, Nicole Schupf, Richard Mayeux, Adam M Brickman, Jennifer J Manly
Psychology and aging, 2023, vol. 38, p.443-454
Bear in mind Annelot P Smit, Magdalena Beran, Emma L Twait, Mirjam I Geerlings, Jet M J Vonk
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, vol. 14
Editorial Matteo De Marco, Jet M J Vonk, Davide Quaranta
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, vol. 14

Fellowships & Awards

2020: NIH NIA K99/R00 Award (1K99AG066934-01)

2019: NWO ZonMw Veni Grant (project 09150161810017)