Profile photo Isabel Slurink

Isabel Slurink


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Isabel Slurink is a postdoctoral researcher at the Julius Center, University Medical Center Utrecht. Her current research focuses on infectious diseases and vaccination, particularly in relation to post-infection sequelae and non-communicable diseases, using registry data-linkage approaches along with epidemiological and data science methods. Previously, she worked as a junior researcher at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) at the Center for Infectious Disease Control, where she conducted surveillance and epidemiological studies on sexual health behavior and educational level in relation to the incidence of sexually transmitted infections. Isabel completed her PhD at the Center of Research on Psychological Disorders and Somatic Diseases (CoRPS) at Tilburg University.

Recent publications

Long COVID is not a uniform syndrome Sophie C M van den Houdt, Isabel A L Slurink, Gaëtan Mertens
Journal of infection and public health, 2024, vol. 17, p.321-328