Profile photo Geert Houben

Geert Houben

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Geert Houben is Principal Scientist Food Allergy and Immunotoxicology at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, a public law-regulated research and technology organization in the Netherlands. Additionally, he is Professor Food-borne Risk Factors for Allergic and Inflammatory Diseases at the University Medical Center Utrecht and the Faculty of Medicine of the Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Prior to his current positions, he has had various research and management positions at TNO and various research positions at the Utrecht University and the University Medical Center Utrecht. Geert has had the managerial and scientific responsibility for the TNO Food Safety research and services for many years prior to choosing to focus on his scientific career since 2014. Geert was trained as a Biologist and Toxicologist and did his PhD in food immunotoxicology.

Geert’s major scientific specializations are food allergy, food and feed toxicology and immunotoxicology, and particularly risk assessment in these areas. In the early years of this century, he was the first to pioneer in the development and application of probabilistic risk assessment principles in food allergy and his team has been world leading in this area since then. His team hosts the world-wide most complete database with over 3500 threshold datapoints from individual food allergy patients (database jointly owned with the Food Allergy Research and Resources Program (FARRP) of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) and has been developing and validating food intake databases specifically attuned to the application to food allergy risk assessment. TNO also led the risk assessment and risk management work package of the EU iFAAM project. Another research topic is on the assessment of allergenicity of (novel) food proteins. TNO initiated and chaired the EU Cost Action ImpARAS on this topic and developed a strategy and a machine learning algorithm to assess the allergenicity of (novel) food proteins. A last focus area is on the role of the exposome in inflammatory processes, in particular the development and application of approaches to identify and characterize food-borne risk factors for allergic and inflammatory diseases.

Geert Houben is or was a member of tens of expert groups, advisory boards and committees in the area of toxicology, food safety, immunotoxicology and food allergy. Among others, he was a member of the WHO/IPCS Expert Group for the harmonized guidance development for Immunotoxicity Risk Assessment and the 2020-2023 Ad hoc Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens. Geert Houben is dedicated to further support the development, application and international harmonization of quantitative approaches in food allergy risk assessment and management and the development of diet-derived interventions in inflammatory diseases.

Research groups

Food-borne risk factors for disease

Research aim

We develop and apply advanced data mining methods on cohort data, to identify and characterize yet undiscovered health-modulatory food compounds, with the aim to discover new food-derived leads for health interventions.

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Recent publications

Coupling food compounds data from FooDB and Phenol-Explorer to the Dutch food coding system NEVO Marie Y. Meima, Joost Westerhout, Sabina Bijlsma, Marjolein Meijerink, Geert F. Houben
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2023, vol. 123
Reviewing the Chinese-Specific Reference Amounts Study Conducted by Sun et al., 2022 W. Marty Blom, Joost Westerhout, Geert F. Houben
China CDC Weekly, 2023, vol. 5, p.763-765
Co-sensitization between legumes is frequently seen, but variable and not always clinically relevant Mark Smits, Kitty Verhoeckx, André Knulst, Paco Welsing, Aard de Jong, Marco Gaspari, Anna Ehlers, Paulien Verhoeff, Geert Houben, Thuy My Le
Frontiers in allergy, 2023, vol. 4
Accidental allergic reactions to food in adolescents and adults Astrid Versluis, Thuy-My Le, Geert F Houben, André C Knulst, Harmieke Van Os-Medendorp
Frontiers in allergy, 2023, vol. 4
Precautionary allergen labeling Yvette F.M. Linders, Leo R. Lentz, W. Marty Blom, Anouska Michelsen-Huisman, Jelle Strikwerda, Liselotte M. van Dijk, André C. Knulst, Geert F. Houben, Harmieke van Os-Medendorp, Bregje C. Holleman
Food Control, 2023, vol. 147, p.1-10

External positions

Member of the Expert Group "Regulation of precautionary allergen labelling (PAL)" - advisering - ILSI Europe, Brussels

Deputy Member of the Board of Future Food Utrecht - advisering tav beleid en strategie - Utrecht University, Utrecht

Member of the Expert Group "Can we define criteria for Unintended Allergen Presence ..." - advisering - ILSI Europe, Brussels

Member of the Board of Examiners of the Graduate School of Life Sciences - vertegenwoordiger externe organisatie - Utrecht University, Utrecht

Expert for the Ad hoc Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens - advisering - FAO/WHO, Rome

Member Expert Group Allergenicity Assessment of Novel Ingredients Containing Protein&Protein Sources - advisering - ILSI Europe, Brussels

Member of the FrieslandCampina Corporate Food Safety Advisory board - advisering - Friesland Campina

Member of the Scientific Working Group - advisering - European Technology Platform “Food for Life”

Member of the Allergens Expert Group - advisering - Food and Drink Europe, Brussels

Member of the VITAL Scientific Expert Panel - advisering sinds 2011 - Australian-New Zealand Allergen Bureau