Full Professor
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Welcome to my page. Let me introduce myself, I am Hester den Ruijter, Professor of Cardiovascular disease in women. My aim is to translate knowledge from experimental research to the patient. In women, the diagnosis of heart disease is a problem. Most available diagnostics for heart disease have been tested in men and directly translated to women. Nowadays we are increasingly becoming aware that male-derived tests do not always detect heart disease in women. There are interesting sex differences in the pathophysiology of heart disease that may explain why diagnostic tests developed in men fail to detect heart disease in women. Therefore, my goal is to obtain novel biomarkers that facilitate the diagnosis of heart disease in women. If you have any questions regarding my research, you are welcome to contact me.
Research aim
Our group's aim is to translate knowledge from experimental cardiovascular research to improve womens's cardiovascular health.
Go to groupAgnites Vrolikprijs award for research impact UU (2019)
AHA Scott Grundy Award for Excellence in Metabolism Research (2010)
Panel member - Review van aanvragen - Lundbeckfonden
Pijlervoorzitter DCVA wetenschapsbeleid - Opstarten en begeleiden verkenningen en projecten DCVA - DCVA
Commissielid - vanuit expertise - Hartstichting
Raad van toezicht - geen - Stichting LEEFH