Profile photo Henny Otten

Henny Otten

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):


Appointed as associate professor Immunology and head of the ImmunoSerology laboratory at the University Medical Center Utrecht. Main research interests include the immunological risk assessment in kidney transplantation and improving diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases and allergies. Leads two sequential national consortium studies with all Dutch University Medical Centers, aiming to define the impact of humoral allo- and auto-immunity in >15.000 kidney transplantations. In close collaboration with clinicians, more than 7 million euro’s for research funding has been acquired in the last six years, and (co-) authorship in >140 peer-reviewed papers with translational objectives.

Research groups

Humoral immunity in kidney transplantation and autoimmunity

Research aim

Our primary research interest is focused on humoral immunity including associated effector mechanisms. This is studied in kidney transplantation aimed at preventing rejection, and in autoimmune diseases in order to improve diagnosis and treatment.

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Recent publications

Determination of the clinical relevance of donor epitope-specific HLA-antibodies in kidney transplantation Tineke Kardol-Hoefnagel, Danial Mohammadi Senejohnny, Elena G Kamburova, Bram W Wisse, Leon Reteig, Maartje L Gruijters, Irma Joosten, Wil A Allebes, Arnold van der Meer, Luuk B Hilbrands, Marije C Baas, Eric Spierings, Cornelis E Hack, Franka E van Reekum, Arjan D van Zuilen, Marianne C Verhaar, Michiel L Bots, Adriaan C A D Drop, Loes Plaisier, Rowena C A Melchers, Marc A J Seelen, Jan Stephan Sanders, Bouke G Hepkema, Annechien J A Lambeck, Laura B Bungener, Caroline Roozendaal, Marcel G J Tilanus, Christina E Voorter, Lotte Wieten, Elly M van Duijnhoven, Mariëlle A C J Gelens, Maarten H L Christiaans, Frans J van Ittersum, Shaikh A Nurmohamed, Neubury M Lardy, Wendy Swelsen, Karlijn A M I van der Pant, Neelke C van der Weerd, Ineke J M Ten Berge, Andries Hoitsma, Paul J M van der Boog, Johan W de Fijter, Michiel G H Betjes, Dave L Roelen, Frans H Claas, Frederike J Bemelman, Aleksandar Senev, Maarten Naesens, Sebastiaan Heidt, Henny G Otten
HLA, 2024, vol. 103
Ellipro scores of donor epitope specific HLA antibodies are not associated with kidney graft survival Tineke Kardol-Hoefnagel, Danial Mohammadi Senejohnny, Elena G. Kamburova, Bram W. Wisse, Maartje L. Gruijters, Irma Joosten, Wil A. Allebes, Arnold van der Meer, Luuk B. Hilbrands, Marije C. Baas, Eric Spierings, Cornelis E. Hack, Franka E. van Reekum, Arjan D. van Zuilen, Marianne C. Verhaar, Adriaan C.A.D. Drop, Loes Plaisier, Rowena C.A. Melchers, Marc A.J. Seelen, Jan Stephan Sanders, Bouke G. Hepkema, Bart Jan Kroesen, Laura B. Bungener, Caroline Roozendaal, Marcel G.J. Tilanus, Christina E. Voorter, Lotte Wieten, Elly M. van Duijnhoven, Mariëlle A.C.J. Gelens, Maarten H.L. Christiaans, Frans J. van Ittersum, Shaikh A. Nurmohamed, Neubury M. Lardy, Wendy Swelsen, Karlijn A.M.I. van der Pant, Neelke C. van der Weerd, Ineke J.M. ten Berge, Andries Hoitsma, Paul J.M. van der Boog, Johan W. de Fijter, Michiel G.H. Betjes, Dave L. Roelen, Frans H. Claas, Frederike J. Bemelman, Sebastiaan Heidt, Henny G. Otten
HLA, 2024, vol. 103
A 21-bp deletion in the complement regulator CD55 promotor region is associated with multifocal motor neuropathy and its disease course Jeroen W. Bos, Ewout J.N. Groen, Henny G. Otten, Kevin Budding, Ruben P.A. van Eijk, Chantall Curial, Tineke Kardol-Hoefnagel, H. Stephan Goedee, Leonard H. van den Berg, W. Ludo van der Pol
Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 2024, vol. 29, p.193-201
Memory B-cell derived donor-specific antibodies do not predict outcome in sensitized kidney transplant recipients Dania Altulea, Joost C. van den Born, Arjan Diepstra, Laura Bungener, Dagmar Terpstra, Bouke G. Hepkema, Rosa Lammerts, Peter Heeringa, Sebastiaan Heidt, Henny Otten, Leon Reteig, Gonca E. Karahan, Stefan P. Berger, Jan Stephan Sanders
Frontiers in Immunology, 2024, vol. 15
Does COVID-19 impact the prevalence of myositis specific antibodies in the Netherlands? A comparative nationwide study Renske G. Kamperman, Ester MM van Leeuwen, Myrthe Willems, Anneke J. van der Kooi, Kyra A. Gelderman, Dörte Hamann, Ellen G. van Lochem, Bob Meek, Renate G. van der Molen, Anouk CM Platteel, Henny G. Otten, Marco WJ Schreurs, Joost Raaphorst,
Journal of Autoimmunity, 2023, vol. 139
The number of donor HLA-derived T cell epitopes available for indirect antigen presentation determines the risk for vascular rejection after kidney transplantation Michiel G.H. Betjes, Emma T.M. Peereboom, Henny G. Otten, Eric Spierings
Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, vol. 13

External positions

Consultant - Geven van consultancy voor contractueel uitgevoerd laboratoriumwerk in het UMCU - Argenx

Lid van de European Autoimmunity Standardization Initiative - op inhoudelijk vla als Medisch Immunoloog - EASI - MUMC+