Henk Coert

Full Professor

Research groups

Chronification of pain - Clinical Research

Research aim

Our group aims to integrate fundamental research and clinical pain studies with a focus on neuroinflammation to design strategies preventing and reversing the transition from acute to chronic pain in patients.

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Chronification of pain - Neuroimmunology of pain

Research aim

Our research groups integrate fundamental research and clinical pain studies to understand the neurobiology of chronic pain. We focus on the interactions between the immune system and the nervous system to defeat chronic pain.

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Recent publications

VCA supercooling in a swine partial hindlimb model Yanis Berkane, Irina Filz von Reiterdank, Pierre Tawa, Laura Charlès, Marion Goutard, Antonia T. Dinicu, Mehmet Toner, Nicolas Bertheuil, Aebele B. Mink van der Molen, J. Henk Coert, Alexandre G. Lellouch, Mark A. Randolph, Curtis L. Cetrulo, Korkut Uygun
Scientific Reports, 2024, vol. 14
Supercooling preservation of vascularized composite allografts through CPA optimization, thermal tracking, and stepwise loading techniques I. Filz von Reiterdank, A. T. Dinicu, I. Rosales, C. L. Cetrulo, J. H. Coert, A. B. Mink van der Molen, K. Uygun
Scientific Reports, 2024, vol. 14
Effect of Subnormothermic Machine Perfusion on the Preservation of Vascularized Composite Allografts After Prolonged Warm Ischemia Laura Charlès, Irina Filz von Reiterdank, Hyshem H. Lancia, Austin Alana Shamlou, Yanis Berkane, Ivy Rosales, Aebele B. Mink van der Molen, J. H. Coert, Curtis L. Cetrulo, Alexandre G. Lellouch, Korkut Uygun
Transplantation, 2024, vol. 108, p.2222-2232
Multidisciplinary strategies to treat painful mononeuropathies in the upper extremity M. Rijsdijk, S. Tuffaha, J. H. Coert
Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume, 2024, vol. 49, p.792-801
Sub-zero non-freezing of vascularized composite allografts in a rodent partial hindlimb model I. Filz von Reiterdank, P. Tawa, Y. Berkane, E. de Clermont-Tonnerre, A. T. Dinicu, C. Pendexter, M. Goutard, A. G. Lellouch, A. B. Mink van der Molen, J. H. Coert, C. L. Cetrulo, K. Uygun
Cryobiology, 2024, vol. 116
Mental health is strongly associated with capability after lower extremity injury treated with free flap limb salvage or amputation David D. Krijgh, Teun Teunis, Emile B. List, Marc A.M. Mureau, Antonius J.M. Luijsterburg, Wiesje Maarse, Pascal P.A. Schellekens, Falco Hietbrink, Tim de Jong, J. Henk Coert
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2024, vol. 50, p.755-762

External positions

Medisch advies bij letsel - Op handchirurgisch gebied - SMAS

Bestuur - Wetenschappelijke vereniging - IWAS International Wrist Arthroscopy Society

Organisator van diverse congressen, o.a. Arthroscopy and arthroplasty (UMCU), DWAC Dutch Wrist - Aandachtsgebied - Skillslab EUR