Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Harry Heijerman earned his MD (1984, cum laude) and his PhD in 1991 ("Studies in the clinical management of Cystic Fibrosis") He registered as pulmonologist in 1989, all above at the Leiden University Medical School. From 1996 till 2017 he was head of the department of Pulmonology at the Haga teaching Hospital in The Hague. Since 2017 he is head of the Department of Pulmonology and professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht The Netherlands. During his whole career he focussed on optimization of treatment for people with Cystic Fibrosis. He was PI of multiple mono and multi center studies focusing on understanding and treating Cystic Fibrosis. In 2002 he was the founding editor of the "Journal of Cystic Fibrosis". At present he is involved in several clinical studies addressing CFTR function in Cystic Fibrosis with the aim to find a cure for this life long inheritable disease, This work is done in close collaboration with the department of Pediatric Pulmonology.
Voorzitter adviesraad zorg - Expertise op het gebied van Cystic Fibrosis in mijn functie van longarts - Nederlandse Cystic Fibrosis stichting