Profile photo Hans van Delden

Hans van Delden

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Johannes (Hans) van Delden is full professor of medical ethics at the University Medical Center of Utrecht University, the Netherlands and director of education of the same institute. There he also leads the project on patient and public participation for the hospital and for the academic research in the UMC Utrecht. He has worked for many years as a practicing nursing home physician. He has published widely on the practice and ethics of end-of-life decisions, research ethics, and ethical issues in the care for the elderly. He has built a strong research team which has created a strong track record in the ethics of end-of-life decisions, research ethics, and ethics of biomedical innovation. He is the chair of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO. He has served as the president of the Council of International Organisations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), and as the chair of the workgroup for the revision of the CIOMS ethical guidelines for biomedical research.

Research groups

Bioethics & health humanities

Research aim

The Department of Bioethics & Health Humanities is an interdisciplinary research department. Our expertise spans fields such as bioethics, health law, history of medicine, narrative medicine, health research governance, and patient involvement.

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Recent publications

Experiences and perceptions of continuous deep sedation Louise Annemoon Jonker, Madelon T. Heijltjes, Judith A.C. Rietjens, Agnes van der Heide, Geeske Hendriksen, Johannes J.M. van Delden, Ghislaine J.M.W. van Thiel
Health Expectations, 2024, vol. 27
Cardiac organoids do not warrant additional moral scrutiny Jannieke N Simons, Rieke van der Graaf, Johannes Jm van Delden
BMC Medical Ethics, 2024, vol. 25
Patient and family caregiver perspectives of Advance Care Planning K. Pollock, F. Bulli, G. Caswell, H. Kodba-Čeh, U. Lunder, G. Miccinesi, J. Seymour, A. Toccafondi, J. J.M. van Delden, M. Zwakman, J. Rietjens, A. van der Heide, M. Kars
Mortality, 2024, vol. 29, p.69-89
Commentary Trijntje M Scheeres-Feitsma, Petruschka Schaafsma, Jenny T van der Steen, Johannes J M van Delden
Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 2024, vol. 16
Balancing ethical norms and duties for the introduction of new medicines through conditional marketing authorization Mariia V. Maksimova, Ghislaine J.M.W. van Thiel, Yke Tromp, Rosan Lechner, Johannes J.M. van Delden, Lourens T. Bloem
Frontiers in medicine, 2024, vol. 11
An ethics framework for the transition to an operational learning healthcare system Marieke J. Hollestelle, Rieke van der Graaf, Miriam C.J.M. Sturkenboom, Johannes J.M. van Delden
Learning Health Systems, 2024, vol. 8

External positions

adjunct professor afdeling geriatrie - begeleiding en uitvoering van wetenschappelijk onderzoek - Southern Dansk University

ethics advisor to the workgroup for the revision of the declaration of Helsinki - ethisch advies geven - WMA

co-director WHO collaborating center for ethics - werken aan ethiek programma WHO - WHO

ethics advisor - adviseren omtrent ethiek van project - IMI project PIONEER

Ethics advisor IMI project - ethische adviezen geven - IMI project T2Evolve

lid editorial board - reviewen van drafts - tijdschrift Bioethics